Page 61 of Mike

“Until the next time.” He laughed.

“I hate you.”

He chuckled again. “In my own defense, Shep kept ordering the drinks.”

That’s right. Shep was there too. He and Tammy had sure hit it off.


Cassie struggled once again to sit. “Where’s Tammy?”

Mike shrugged those immaculate shoulders. “I guess at her house.”

“What do you mean you guess?” Cassie quickly took in her surroundings. Yep. This was her bedroom. “Did you bring me here? Did you take Tammy home? What happened?” Her voice rose with each question, which didn’t help her headache at all.

“Slow down.” His gentle hands stroked her arms, stimulating each nerve cell. “Everything is okay. Shep took Tammy home and I took advantage of you.” He said it so matter-of-factly she knew he was lying.

“Hmm. Must not have been worth remembering,” she managed to tease.

“Ouch.” His expression turned sour. “I see you’re feeling better.”

With extreme effort, she achieved a smile. “Then come clean. Why did Shep take Tammy?”

“So, I could have my way with you.” Mike wiggled his brows, reminding her of Groucho Marks.

“Are you sure he took her home?”

“Set your mind at ease. Shep is a good man. He probably helped Tammy inside, settled her on her bed—fully clothed—and left.”

She hoped so. Tammy had really been out of it last night, and Mike’s friends were strangers. Cassie studied Mike’s face. He lifted her hand and laced his fingers with hers, creating a fuzzy warmth in her tummy.

“He’s that kind of guy. He’s not a creep.”

“Well I’m glad to hear that,” she said guardedly, wondering if Mike had read her mind. She hadn’t actually accused Shep or anything, but what did she know about the guy?

“You were thinking something similar.”

A flush rose up her neck. Maybe Mike was clairvoyant.

Some of the tension eased from her shoulders and her headache had lessened to a dull thud. Maybe his concoction was working. The way he looked at her triggered a different kind of tension. His intense gaze and his warm fingers laced with hers sent prickles racing over her skin.

She shoved her hair out of her face, thinking she must look absolutely dreadful. Then she realized she wore her nightgown. Mike had to have undressed her. Oh Lord. She shivered at the thought of him rummaging through her under things.

What else could she not remember?

“Now what are you thinking?” His deep voice, evocative.

“Um. Nothing.”

He shifted on the bed, bracing one arm close to her hip. “Um, yes, something.”

She chewed on her bottom lip. When she didn’t answer, he took pity on her.

“I put on coffee,” he said. “Why don’t you rest and I’ll bring you a cup?”

“A man after my own heart.” She looked away. “I need to take a shower.”

He rose, and once again, she admired his physique.