Page 43 of Mike

“There’s that. And if she’s hanging around, it could interfere with Shep’s actual love life.”

All heads turned to Shep. Each one sizing him up, trying to decide if he was seeing a woman they didn’t know about.

“Hmm. Never thought of that.” Laredo shrugged and took a bite of pasta.

“That’s because you guys are always joking,” Mike informed him.

“Would you rather we were a bunch of cranky old farts?” Jared asked.

“It’s harmless,” Laredo added.

“Hey. Wait a minute.” Cooper put down his fork and a puzzled expression crossed his face. “You got a new woman, Cap?”

Activity at the table stopped. Jared froze with his fork mere inches from his mouth. Laredo’s expression turned from mocking to one of surprise. Each man waited for Shep to answer.

He didn’t. Shep forked a gob of food and stuffed his mouth, making it clear he wasn’t about to.

“Is that why you turned the heat on the big guy?” Laredo prodded.

Shep glanced at Mike. “Sorry about that. It just slipped out.”

Nothing ever just slipped out with Shep. If he’d gotten flustered, there’d been a reason. Shep had been acting a bit off this past week.

“I’ve got big shoulders. I can take it.”

“Didn’t appear that way when you told us to knock it off.”

“Down, pup.”

“You talk to me like I’m a dog.”

“Sometimes you act like one.”

“Yeah, always sniffing around …” Laredo laughed. Mike and Jared joined in.

Shep never did reply to Cooper’s question. He ate his food and washed it down with coffee rather than answer. Did Shep have a woman he’s been hiding?

Naw. The guy hadn’t had time.

But something was on his mind.

Chapter 11

Several days after the nightmare of training day, some of the guys from Station Eight had visited Ryan in the hospital. His wife had been sitting faithfully by his bed, holding his bandaged hand. He’d been doped up on pain meds and bandages covered ninety percent of his face. He didn’t even know his visitors were there. With all the tubes and monitors Ryan had been hooked up to, the guys prayed daily for his recovery.

After a three week stay in the hospital, he’d finally been released to go home. Jared and Mike rode to Ryan’s house to see if he was ready for visitors. His wife greeted them at the door.

“I hope we’re not interrupting,” Jared said.

“Certainly not. Come on in. Ryan’s in the den. I’m sure he’ll be glad to see you.”

Mike and Jared wiped their boots, then stepped inside and followed—he’d forgotten the wife’s name—to a cozy room where Ryan reclined in an easy chair.

“Hi, Mike. Jared.”

“How’s it going, Ryan?” He did not offer his hand. Jared and Mike were both conscious of Ryan’s injuries and purposefully sat without touching him. Both could see that Ryan had endured a rough road and neither of them wanted to make him uncomfortable. The bandages were gone from his face, leaving red, raw tissue in their place. A cast covered one arm from wrist to elbow, and Mike wondered what the blanket on his lap was hiding.

“Can’t complain too much. Had the shit knocked out of me, but I’m lucky to be alive.”