Page 40 of Mike

Shep ignored him.

“She tried sneaking by me while I was loading the tanks. I pretended to be busy. Figured she wanted some alone time with the Captain,” Cooper explained to Mike.

“That woman has a nasty habit of sneaking up undetected. I’m going to have to insert security alarms.” Shep frowned. “Cooper. Get the pot boiling.” The kid jumped to execute his duty.

“Do they have booty-call alarms?”

Shep shot Cooper a look meant to kill.

“Just asking?”

“Don’t you mean booty forewarning?” Mike couldn’t help himself. Cooper hooted.

“Knock it off, you two.”

“Come on, Cap. You don’t have to worry about getting lucky. She’s doing the chasing.”

“Alice is attractive, but too aggressive for my taste,” Shep grumbled.

“She’s got a one tract mind and I don’t see it changing.” Mike grinned at Shep, having fun tormenting his boss. “How are you going to handle that?”

“Security alarms,” Cooper answered for Shep and received another glare.

“I’m trying. The woman refuses to understand I’m not going out with her.”

“Then, I guess she will keep coming here,” Mike said.

“Okay with me as long as she brings food.” Cooper snitched a slice of cheese and dodged before Shep could catch him.

“You’re not the one she’s after.”

“Who’s after who?” Jared asked as he came in the kitchen.

“Alice is after Shep,” Cooper answered.

“You decide to show up?” Shep asked. Jared ignored him.

“She been by here again?” Jared aimed his question to Cooper. “Someone should give the woman a suit and teach her how to fight fires.”

“Shep thinks she’s here too much already.” Cooper’s grin was infectious.

“That was my point.”

“But she does bring us food.”

“She’s a real estate agent. Doesn’t look the part of Susie homemaker to me.”

“She doesn’t bake.” The group stared at Cooper. He shrugged. “She picks the stuff up over at Mason’s Bakery.”

“How do you know that?” Jared asked.

“Seen her over there.” Cooper grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. He tossed it to Mike, pulled out one for Jared and then got one for himself. Shep already had one on the counter. “After she left, I went in and asked old man Mason.”

“You sly, young dog.” Jared sniggered.

“The stuff she brings in here isn’t from his place,” Mike said with a frown. “None of it has his packaging. And she comes back later to pick up her dishes.”

Cooper made a sign of crossing his heart. “I swear. The old man told me she comes in there every week. I asked him what all she got and it’s the same stuff she brings here. Probably takes it home and puts it in her own glassware.”