Page 36 of Mike

“Hey, boss. You wanted to see me?”

“Yes. Come in.”

Mike took this as his cue to leave. “I’ve got work to do.”

“Gee, Hoss. You gonna leave me high and dry?” Cooper rolled his eyes toward Shep. “What if I need back up, here?”

Mike slapped Cooper on the shoulder. “You’re on your own, pup.”

“Get to the hospital,” Shep commanded.

Cooper’s eyes grew wide as he swung his head from the Captain to him. “Thought you were okay. Did you get hurt?”

“A cut. A slight burn.” Mike shrugged.

“I want that report.” When Shep gave an order in that voice, you got your ass in gear.

“Yes, sir.”

Fuck. Mike headed to the hospital.

Chapter 10

The ER had been crowded with a dozen people in line before Mike. The waiting room was packed. For a Saturday morning, he didn’t know if this was the norm or if there’d been an accident close by. An elderly couple holding hands sat in one corner. Next to them sat a woman with her arms crossed and the man beside her looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here. Two guys with their heads together gave him the impression they were partners. On the other wall, Mike spotted an empty chair beside a boy about ten or twelve years old. Since Cap had insisted he bring back proof, Mike had to wait.

He took the seat next to the kid. As soon as he sat down, he noticed blood caked on a rag tied around the boy’s calf. From what he could see, the kid’s sock had soaked up a good portion and it looked like the injury might still be bleeding.

“Hey, sport. What happened to you?”

The woman next to him, who Mike figured was his mother, turned with fear in her eyes. Yep, she had to be the boy’s mom.

“Fell out of a tree.”

Mike pointed to the bloody piece of cloth. “What did you land on?”

“A saw.”

Jesus Christ. What the hell was this kid doing with a saw? What kind of saw? Electric? Did he have supervision? Mike thought back to when he was a kid. Hell, he’d done a lot of things without his dad knowing.

“Tough break,” he said with a calm voice so as not to excite the kid, or the mom.

“Don’t think I broke it, but it sure did bleed.”

“A lot of blood,” the nervous woman chimed in. She fidgeted in her seat and her eyes darted about, following the activity in the room. “They’re taking so long.”

“Are you his mother?”

“Yes.” She looked like she was ready to jump out of her skin. “I’m Donna Williams.”

“My name is Mike. I’m an EMT with the fire department.”

Her eyes lit up like she’d won the lottery.

“Are you a fireman?”

“I’m a firefighter,” Mike answered the boy with a nod. “What’s your name?”

“Todd. My dad said it should be Evel Knievel.”