Page 3 of Mike


“I’m all right. I just … my mind wandered for a moment.” Still, a little pang of fear hovered. She shot another glance outside. The fire engine had disappeared. She dropped her gaze. The taco salad had lost its appeal.

“What’s got you so quiet?”

When Cassie raised her head, she noticed a streak of yellow in the long window facing the parking lot. Her attention averted again, she stared at the front of an engine as the doors swung open and two men climbed out. Then a red SUV, clearly labeled Fire-Chief, pulled up beside them. From the other side of the lot, a second yellow engine rolled in.

Her pulse sped up. She quickly scanned the inside of the restaurant. “Is the kitchen on fire?”

“What?” Tammy squeaked.

“Either there’s a fire or these guys are having a convention.” She motioned outside just as more uniforms came into view.

“Damn. Would you look at that,” Tammy said as she gawked out the window. “Six, no eight gorgeous hunks.”

“How can you think about sex when the building might be on fire?”

“So, that’s what’s bothering you.” Tammy turned around with a look of concern. “Look. There’s no siren. These guys are not racing in here. They don’t have on their bulky equipment. Although there is definitely some bulk on their bodies. Look at that guy.”

Cassie looked in the direction where Tammy pointed to the side parking lot where the firemen gathered. She studied the driver of the red vehicle. His blond hair had that wind-blown look. Black sunglasses shielded his eyes from the sun but gave him a sexy movie star-type guise. When he laughed, the knot in Cassie’s chest eased. If there was an alarm, these men wouldn’t be standing in the parking lot laughing.

She felt like a fool. A child fearing the big bad monster. When would she grow out of this? Her chest heaved as she released her frustration. “Obviously, these firefighters are not here to put out a fire.”

“But, by their good looks, bulging forearms and rigid buns, they could sure start a few.”

Tammy’s teasing remark made Cassie grin.

“Mmm, mmm. I could sit here and watch that all day.” As if she meant to do just that, Tammy propped her elbow on the end of the table and brazenly stared.

Cassie shook her head. Her friend’s flirty behavior was the best medicine for Cassie’s state of mind. No one could be around Tammy and not smile. So, she looked out the window and enjoyed the view.

Navy blue shirts stretched across tight abs and exhibited some pretty hearty muscles. Matching pants covered impressive thighs, not as constricting as their shirts, but damn distracting. Two males were taller than the others, but each guy stood at least six feet. Cassie relaxed as her previous apprehension slowly developed into carnal appreciation. Her gaze landed on the man she’d first spotted. Mr. Sunglasses. The sun brought out highlights in his hair, strands fluttering over his black shades. And his smile, all teeth with a lazy slanted grin. That guy had danger written all over him.

She hoped no one noticed the two of them ogling the firefighters outside. But then, the group of hot men was drawing a lot of attention. She hadn’t dated in quite a while and had no interest in changing that, but she could appreciate a fine specimen of all man. Usually, men with dark hair held her attention, like the guy standing beside Mr. Sunglasses. Coal black hair, brooding looks, and big arms. Mr. Muscles. Yep, she definitely preferred Mr. Muscles to Mr. Sunglasses. With biceps like his, the guy had to work out every day.

“A lot to be said for a man in uniform,” Cassie said with a sigh.

“Bet he benches five hundred pounds.” Tammy sounded breathless.

Cassie searched her friend’s face. “How do you know which one I was looking at?”

“Easy.” Tammy’s gaze turned to hers. “You always go for the dark-haired ones.”

Cassie smiled and glanced back to the men in blue. “There’s too many to choose from.” She threw the comment out as a jest. In reality, she held no belief that any of those guys would pay attention to her.

“And they’re coming in here.” Tammy said excitedly as she nodded toward the glass.

Sure enough, the entire group headed to the restaurant. Caught up in Tammy’s enthusiasm, Cassie couldn’t help but ogle the swaggering male hips. The men ranged in age from twenty something to probably forty, since one had some gray at his temples.

Silence filled the room, the firemen drawing the attention of every customer. When the door opened, the sound of the men’s voices carried throughout the quiet space of the restaurant. They’d caused quite a stir. Cassie forced her eyes forward. Tammy, of course, watched the activity with a total lack of inhibition.

By sheer willpower, Cassie resisted the urge to whirl around and gape like everyone else. She narrowed her eyes and bit her bottom lip.

“What?” Tammy asked, seeing Cassie’s scowl. “Did I suddenly grow a wart on my chin?”

Cassie had been trying so hard not to stare at the guys that she’d been completely unaware she was glaring at her friend. Tammy’s perplexed face came into focus and Cassie frowned. “Sorry.”

Tammy laughed. “Why don’t you bite the bullet and feast your eyes?”