Page 126 of Mike

Cassie opened the freezer door, collected the ice and then dropped a few cubes into each glass. She replaced the container and when she turned around, saw her mom braced against the counter with her head down.


When she looked up, tears glazed her eyes. “I wish your dad could be here.”

“Oh, Mom. I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t be silly.” She sniffed and focused on pouring the tea. “I just wish your father could meet your young man. He so loved his baby girl.”

“Me, too,” Cassie said.

Mom’s voice broke. Then she took a deep breath as if she needed it to hold herself together. “He couldn’t give up those darn cigarettes.”

Cassie wrapped her arms around her mother.

“I have something to tell you that will make you feel better.”

Mom took a tissue from her pocket and dabbed her eyes. “More good news?”

“Jennifer and I met at Kathy’s yesterday and had a long talk over pancakes.”

“You did?”

“We talked about a lot of things, Mom. Really talked.”

“Whatever in the world … how … I need to sit down.”

Cassie pulled out a chair for her mom and took the one beside it. Cassie took her hands, giving her comfort.

“I called Jennifer and we went to breakfast. She opened up to me. We talked like we’ve never talked. It was good, Mom.”

Her mother squeezed back. “Cassie. You’ve made me so happy. All I’ve ever wanted was for you and your sister to get along.”

“I know. She’s older and she’s always bossed me around. She married money and brags about it.” Seeing her mother’s expression, Cassie wished she’d not mentioned that part.

“That’s your sister, dear.”

Yeah, that had been her sister all Cassie’s life. She would have liked to kick her ass, but she’d never tell her mother that.

“I love you, Mom. I’ll always be here for you.”

“I know, dear. Enough of that, now.” Her mom swiped at her cheeks and shoved out of her chair. “There’s a handsome young man in there waiting for his tea. Splash some water on your face and let’s go see if I think he’s good enough for my daughter.”

Cassie smiled and her heart lifted at the grin she received from her mother. When she entered the living room, Mike studied her face. One thing she couldn’t hide, her red, puffy eyes.

“I was starting to get a little worried about you two,” he said in a low voice.

“We talked about Jennifer and Dad.”

Concern etched his brow. “Are you okay?”

“Better than okay.” She smiled in assurance.

Seeming to believe her, he nodded. She handed him his iced tea.


“You’re welcome.” As always, his low hum sent shivers down her spine. She leaned in for a kiss. Her heart did that funny little leap, the one it did every time Mike touched her. She clung to this wonderful man she loved with all her heart. Just as he began to kiss her back, her mother came into the room.