Page 111 of Mike

When he finally released her, she sucked in air. “Hmmm. Did you miss me? I haven’t been gone that long.”

“Long enough. Come on. Let’s get out of here.” With his release papers in one hand and her fingers in the other, he pulled her down the corridor.

Mike remained quiet on the ride home. Driving him to her place reminded her of the last time she’d driven him to her apartment. The night he’d saved that woman from her car crash. But then, on that particular ride, he’d been asleep.

“Where are we going?” Mike asked.

“I thought I’d take you to my place.”

“You don’t need to be my nurse. I’m fine. Besides, I need a change of clothes.”

“What makes you think you need them?” She glanced in his direction and heat flared in her belly from the fire she saw in his burning eyes. “Do you want me to wreck?”

“I didn’t touch you.” His voice was low enough to send tingling vibrations down her back.

“But you’re looking at me like you want to devour me.”

“Then keep your eyes on the road.”

She tried. “Doesn’t help.”

“You’re the one talking about not needing clothes,” his deep voice rumbled.

The pressure in her belly rose to her chest. Damn, it was hot in here. He laughed and she glanced at him again.

“You think this is funny?”

“Damn right I do. You’re horny and can’t do a thing about it.” He leaned his head back on the headrest, his knees bumping the dash. He completely filled the space in her car. “Don’t worry, beautiful. I’ll scratch that itch as soon as we get there.

Cassie almost stomped on the gas pedal. What kept her from it, she wasn’t sure.

Another ten minutes and she pulled into a parking space at her apartment complex.

“We’re here.” Cassie had no idea why she felt the need to say that.

Mike snapped his seatbelt and was out of the car before she turned off the engine. Her nerves tingled on the back of her neck. When her car door opened, Mike stood there glaring down at her, his eyes blazing with intent. She gathered her keys and grabbed her purse. Anticipation jacked up her eagerness making her edgy. By the time they got to her door, anxiety had traveled to her fumbling fingers. Mike took her keys and opened the lock.

They barely made it inside when he grabbed her and pinned her to the door. He devoured her mouth with a passion bordering obsession and she clung to him with equal fervor. She arched toward him, wanting to crawl inside his skin, kissing him with all the urgency and anxiety she’d contained since hearing he’d been shot.

His mouth moved to her jaw, where he left a blazing trail of hot kisses down the side of her neck. Her eyes closed, she allowed her head to fall back on the wood. Mike was here. She could have lost him. She tightened her hold and sank into the warmth of his body. His lips grazing her skin, his hands holding her hips …

“Is this what you want?” he whispered. “I want you, Cassie. All of you. You excite me beyond all reason.” He nipped, then laved with his tongue.

“Yes. I want you so bad I’m shaking. Make love to me, Mike.”

With a growl, he scooped her up into his powerful, strong arms. She pressed her cheek into the curve of his neck, giving him an open mouth kiss, then a little suction.

He jerked. “God, woman. I can’t wait to get you naked. But this time, we’re making it farther than the door.”

She gave a little laugh, but never moved her lips from his delectable neck.

In her bedroom, he lowered her feet to the floor, then delved his tongue into her mouth and tore at her clothes. Breathing hard, he ripped each item away. When she stood completely naked, his eyes blazed, giving her no doubt to his hunger.

Unable to do anything else, she stared at him and watched as he removed every stitch of his own clothing down to the last piece. He had an impressive body, all bronze and solid muscle. She was fascinated by the size of his arousal. Standing at attention, pointing up in the air. Long, thick … glorious.

She met his gaze. He wanted her with an intensity that took her breath.

His eyes darkened as his gaze roamed over her like a lover’s caress, heating her blood from the tips of her breasts to her woman’s core. She would always remember this moment. His proud stance, his adoration.