Page 107 of Mike

A rush of footsteps and a whirl of colors came hurtling toward her. “Cassie. Cassie. I’m here.” Tammy rushed forward, arms open wide.

Cassie stumbled into her friend’s jostling embrace.

“Shep called me,” Tammy said as she released Cassie. “Are you okay?”

“I will be. As soon as I see Mike.”

Tammy handed her a plastic pouch of tissues. “You haven’t seen him?”

“Shep called you?” Cassie asked at the same time.

“A while ago. He wanted me to find you and be with you when you heard.”


“Hi Tammy,” Jared said. “We were about to sit down.”

“He better be okay,” Tammy growled at Jared as if it was his fault Mike had been shot. Jared just smiled and held out his arm in Cooper’s direction, silently suggesting she join them.

Cassie followed Cooper to a corner where a dark, handsome man sat.

“Hello, querida. I’m Laredo.” He might have a blinding grin that would turn any woman’s head, but all Cassie could think about was Mike.

“I’m sorry. You know me?”

“Only your name. Everyone at the station knows your name.”

She wasn’t sure if she should be embarrassed, but she didn’t care.

“Don’t look so glum. Mike’s as strong as an ox.” Cooper directed her to sit down. “Shep’s back there with him.”

“He’s probably giving the doctors a fit and that’s why it’s taking so long.” Laredo grinned. She knew he was trying to cheer her up.

“How long have you been here?”

“A couple hours. Usually they take care of us pretty quick. But Mike was being impossible and Shep had to go calm him down.”

She twisted her hands together to keep from shaking. If Mike was giving the doctors a hard time, then his injury might not be too severe. But until she saw Mike with her own eyes, she would not relax. At the moment, she wanted to scream. To run up and down the lighted hallway, venting, doing something. Anything but waiting, which drove her nuts.

A Styrofoam cup, steam rising from the top, entered her vision. She glanced up, seeing Jared’s concerned expression. Coffee would make her heart pound faster. She couldn’t risk it jumping out of her chest. Shit. She needed something to calm her.

Before she could say anything, Shep came strolling into the waiting area. Every member of the team stood and gathered around expectantly.

“He’s fine. He’s being an ass. The doctor wants to keep him overnight for observation, but he’s determined to leave.” Shep stared at Cassie. “Maybe you can make him listen to the doctor.”

Knowing Mike was awake and impatient to leave the hospital sent a rush of relief through her veins. A strong arm came around her shoulders just as she wobbled. She leaned into Jared, glad for his strength and comfort. For without it, her legs might not have held her.


She lifted her gaze to Jared.

“Did you understand Shep? You can see him.”

She squared her shoulders and took a deep breath.

Mess or not, Mike Armstrong, here I come. What you see is what you get.
