Page 101 of Mike

Shep scooted his chair forward and braced his arms on the edge of his desk, locking his eyes with Mike’s. “If a woman loves you, she’ll accept your job.”

Mike gave a harsh laugh. “You’re one to talk.”

“My being single has nothing to do with my job. I hope to marry the right woman someday. You and Cassie make a fine couple. From what I see, that woman loves you. Don’t throw that away.”

Mike scrubbed a hand over his clean-shaven face, and admitted what he’d been afraid to admit. “I want her in my life. I want her for keeps. But I can’t let go of the fear that she’ll leave.”

“You’d be—”

Three loud tones came across the intercom. Shep shoved from his chair without finishing his sentence. Mike rushed out the door behind Shep and hustled toward the bay. He threw on his suit, jumped into his boots, and grabbed his gear. He climbed into the truck the same time as Jared.

“What we got?”

“Wreck downtown,” Jared answered, buckling his seat belt.

“Shit. At this time of day, traffic will be a bitch.”

Mike leaned back against the seat, letting the hum of the engine seep into his bones.

Within minutes, they were at the scene. Lights flashed from two police cars parked off to one side while one of the officers directed traffic away from the blocked intersection. Jared pulled up behind the police cars while Laredo drove the quint to the front of the wreckage.

When Jared jerked the Midi to a stop, Mike jumped out, rushing to the collided cars to see if there were injuries. He and Jared had just reached the front of their rig when a loud crack sounded. He must have flinched—something he normally did not do—for his helmet jerked to the side and something buzzed past his ear.

“Shots fired. Shots fired.”

Before he knew what was happening, Jared knocked him back, behind a fender. Officers grabbed their guns and stood in a crouched position behind the mangled cars.

“Christ.” Jared fell to the ground beside Mike.

“What the fuck?”

“Some asshole with a gun.”

“Stay back,” Shep’s voice came over the radio. “Don’t get out of the trucks. If you’re already out, stay the hell on the ground. We’re in the middle of gunfire.”

“Right, Cap.” He managed to radio back while keeping his head down. Crouched together, he and Jared didn’t budge.

“I need to ask Cooper if Hoss stands for horse,” Jared gasped. “I feel like I tried to tackle a wall, big guy.

“Check in,” the radio barked.

Mike silently counted as each crew member replied to Shep. Thank God, no one on the team had been hit. What the hell had they run in to?

Mike peered around the bumper, keeping his head low. Sweat ran in his face, but he knew better than to remove his helmet. Flames rose from under the hood of one car.

“Cap. Better get those cops away from that car. It’s going to blow if we don’t get those flames out.”

No sooner than he’d spoken, he heard Shep shouting to the policemen. No more shots had been fired—still the officers weren’t taking any chances. And neither were he and Jared. Jared spun around and sat, leaning back against a wheel.

“I don’t hear anything but I ain’t going out there.”

Minutes trickled by, seeming like an hour had passed.

Sirens sounded, coming their way in a hurry. Tires squealed while sliding to a stop as more police officers arrived. Mike raised his helmet and wiped at the sweat dripping into his eye. He took another glance at the burning car.

“Those flames aren’t getting any smaller, Cap. Do you think the gunman is gone?” he spoke through his radio.

“Hold.” A moment later the radio crackled. “The officers want to secure the scene before we move.”