Page 91 of Mike

Shep laughed. “Yep. That too. But I need to know which way the wind is blowing.”

“Something did happen, didn’t it?”


Shep drove Mike crazy with his short answers. The man kept his thoughts to himself, not one to blow his own horn. Getting information out of Shep was like pulling teeth.

“So, what’s the deal?” Mike pried, hoping for more information.

“She’s fun. Plain ole fun. Down to earth. When she laughs, she doesn’t snicker or act coy or none of that snooty, high and mighty stuff. She’s easy to talk with. Hard not to like her.”

“Didn’t mention her looks.”

“Red hair means fire. Paid close attention,” Shep said with certainty. “She has a zest for life.”

“Fire as in passion?”

“Who’s to say we’ll be anything more than friends?”

“You aim to be friends with her?”

“At least that. If my brother takes her case, we have a reason to see each other.”

I’ll be damned.

“You sly dog.”

“We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. She’s a mom. With two boys, she has to present a proper image. Tammy is a lady and needs to be treated like one. But she’s still a healthy young woman with needs of her own. Who knows? She may want a fling. Or she may want to get back at that dickhead husband of hers.”

“Ex,” Mike reminded.

“If I have my way, it will be ex-dad. Asshole doesn’t deserve kids if he can’t be faithful to his wife. Or at least civil. Filing for custody and not having the balls to notify her—he’s asking for a boot up his ass. Eddie’s the one to give it to him.”

“You planning on giving a relationship a chance?”

“Well, now. There’s different levels of involvement in relationships. You know that, Mike. You won’t let a woman get but so close.”

Shep was right. Cassie created a gnawing hunger in him he tried to ignore. When he lay between her thighs, he felt more than just satisfying his need—even if he didn’t want to admit it.

Hell. Who was he kidding? He’d clung to her like his very existence would cease if he let go.

Avoiding that topic, Mike asked Shep, “What will you do?”

“Take it one day at a time, my friend. And ride the ride for as long as it lasts.”

That sounded like good advice.

Chapter 21

Like a teenager waiting for her first kiss, Cassie had difficulty controlling her excitement. It took everything she had not to show her eagerness by bouncing on the truck seat. Mike was taking her to see his house and she couldn’t wait.

“You’re quiet.”

Cassie faced Mike. His attention on his driving, she noticed his steady hands gripping the wheel. “I’m impatient.”

“You don’t show it.”

“When I’m nervous, I chatter. It’s annoying. I’m trying very hard to keep my mouth shut.”