Page 86 of Mike

He did not want to delve into the reasons why.

The back of his mind niggled him. What if?

Was it too farfetched for him to want a life with Cassie?

What they had shared was deeper than anything he’d experience before. It could be the beginning of something real.

But it was doomed before it began. Even if he faced the truth that his attraction was more than physical, he knew in his heart to hope for a relationship would be wrong. He wasn’t a fool. He knew she would leave him. He had no reason to think otherwise and every reason to believe his time with her would end.

Cassie was beautiful, smart and had a big heart. She loved children. But what woman would take a risk on him? He could never put her through the worry and torment. He never wanted to see the look on her face that he’d seen on his mother’s. And he sure as hell never wanted to go through the pain he’d experienced with his mother’s desertion.

If he took a chance and lost Cassie, it would be much worse.

Someone would surely get hurt in the end.

He feared it just might be him.

Chapter 20

Mike lay panting, Cassie’s heart pounding crazily against his. She’d kill him if they kept this pace. She still hadn’t told him what had happened to make her call, but he wasn’t going anywhere until she did.

“Coffee or shower?” If she chose shower, they’d be at it again—which would suit him just fine.

“Definitely coffee. I suppose I owe you an explanation.”

Seeing her vulnerability made his heart sting. “You don’t owe me anything. But I’d like to know what happened. You were damn near frantic.”

She chewed on her bottom lip.

“Why don’t I make coffee?” he said, taking pity on her. “Then we can talk.”

Relief flashed in her eyes, he gave her a kiss on her forehead.

He threw the covers back and looked for his pants. Realizing they were in the living room, he stood, uncaring of his nudity, and strode down the hall.

Until she told him what bothered her, he was at a loss. Last night had alarmed him. He’d thought she’d been hurt. When she’d said I need you, everything had gone out of his head but the desire to rush to her side.

Now that it was morning, would she change her mind? What if she no longer needed him? What if she’d just wanted to use him for sex, to get over her distress? Her hesitation this morning made him nervous. She couldn’t just push him away—use him and then send him out the door without an explanation. He wouldn’t allow it.

Besides, the anguish he’d seen on her face last night had nearly brought him to his knees. He wanted to crush the person who’d put it there.

He stepped into his jeans and pulled on his shirt, leaving it hanging open, then started the coffee. He stood staring at the dripping brew, listening to the hissing sound. He poured two cups of coffee and added milk to hers when the hair tingled on the back of his neck. Cassie had slipped into the kitchen. He turned and handed a mug to her.

“Thank you.”

She wore a T-shirt that fell to her knees and had her hair tucked behind one ear. The urge to press his lips to her neck surged in his gut. But he and Cassie needed to talk.

“Feeling better?” he asked after she’d taken a sip.

“You always make me feel better, Mike.” She turned and padded to the living room. She took a seat on the sofa and he sat beside her.

“Cassie, whatever it is, just say it.”

Her gaze jerked to his. “It’s nothing bad. I mean, it’s nothing to do with you and me.”

He released the breath that had been squeezing his lungs and lifted her hand, lacing his fingers with hers. The connection solid, grounding him. Linking her to him.

“You can tell me anything.”