Page 80 of Mike

Don’t want Mike?

That’s the problem. She wanted him all the time.

“Oooh. You do have a glum face. What’s bothering you?” Tammy propped her hip on the corner of Cassie’s desk. “Is it time to go Mexican?”

“I could use a drink right now, but my stomach is not up to spicy food.”

“What’s up?” Tammy’s brows lifted, creasing her forehead into a frown. Since the day the principal told Tammy about Steve’s meddling, she’d been full of piss and vinegar. Her mood had improved greatly this week. Seeing a scowl on her face almost looked out of place.

Cassie turned and gathered papers she’d need to grade this evening. After what had been thrown at Tammy, if she could be brave, Cassie had no business sulking. She gave her friend a smile. “Everything’s good. I’m ready to leave. Why don’t you get your things and walk me out?”

“Sure thing. Be right back.” Tammy left the room with the same speed she’d entered.

Cassie picked up markers, replaced some books, and straightened the students’ desks. Before long, Tammy was back.


“I’m ready.” Cassie snapped her briefcase closed and placed it in her carry case. With the amount of supplies teachers had to carry, a tote on wheels saved a lot of back pain.

“You seem a little down.” Tammy’s expression was one of concern.

“No. Just thinking.”

“About Mr. Muscles, no doubt.” Tammy’s smile was infectious. Who could be disheartened with a friend like Tammy around?

“Who else? Mike has taken permanent residence in my mind.”

“They why so glum? Unless he hasn’t been spending enough time in your bedroom.”

Cassie stumbled, causing one of the purse straps to fall down. She heaved it back on her shoulder with a jerk. “Is that all you think about?”

“Come on. You know I’m teasing. Besides, you’re the only one getting any action.” Tammy quickened her steps matching Cassie’s stride.

“We’ve had this discussion before.”

“Then you already know the answers. So, don’t ask the same questions.”

Cassie laughed.

“That’s my girl. Tell me. What had your brain working overtime?”

“That I’m already involved with a man I barely know.”

Tammy grabbed her arm and brought them both to a dead halt. “Uh, oh. That fast?”

Cassie swiveled around in discomfort and continued walking toward her car. “Appalling, isn’t it?”

“No, it isn’t.” Tammy called and then hurried to catch up. “It’s great. Why would you say such a thing?”

“Don’t you see?” Cassie unlocked her car. “He’s in it for the fun. I really like this guy.”

“Maybe he is and maybe your bad-ass fireman feels the same way.”

For a moment, Cassie’s pulse sped up. A pleasing thrill of delight warmed her chest. Then, just as quickly, her rational side squashed the sensation. “Be serious.”

“I am serious.” When Cassie opened her car door, Tammy shoved it closed. “All right. What gives?”

Anger and embarrassment at her earlier twinkling of hope, Cassie spoke in irritation. “Mike is hot. H.O.T. He can have any girl he wants.”