Page 31 of Mike

Tammy’s smile nearly split her face. “You deserve a good roll in the hay. I knew he’d be good for you.”

“I’d use the word great.” Cassie picked up her mug.

“That good, huh?” Tammy laughed. “He must have been. Girl, you’re glowing.”

“I want to see him again. Not because he’s great in bed. There’s a depth to him that is intriguing. I want to know more.” Cassie shook her head in amazement. “He has these moments where I feel like he’s thinking, you know, analyzing, trying to decide whether or not he should tell me. There’s something he’s hiding.”

“Like what? He’s a fireman. He can’t be a serial killer.”

“Well then, suppressing. Like something is bothering him.” She swallowed and placed her mug on the table, her hands enfolding the glass.

“Maybe he’s a sexual deviant. He didn’t want to scare you so he held back.”

Cassie laughed at Tammy’s wiggling brows. “You need to find your own boy toy. Then maybe your sex starved mind will settle down.”

“Like playboy Jared? Nope. Don’t think so.” Tammy shook her head before bringing her cup to her lips.

“You flirted pretty hard at the restaurant.”

“That’s just flirting. I had fun. He’s a little too lively for anything else.”

“What about last night? He’d been with Mike and we took his truck. Did you take Jared home?”

“No, he left with the other fire guys.”

Cassie stared at her in disbelief.

“What?” Tammy bristled. “You think I don’t want someone special? I have my boys to think of. I’d like a real man.”

“I think Jared would be insulted.”

“That’s not what I meant. He could give me a night of the best sex I’ve ever had, but that’s not what I want.”

Cassie didn’t hide her surprise. “Oh? Every woman secretly wishes for a man who will rock her world.”

“Including me. For goodness sake, Cassie, I know I joke a lot. It’s been a long time. My ex left when the boys were four.”

“Has there been anyone since?”

“Are you kidding? When would I have the time?” Tammy leaned closer. “Boys, Cassie. As in full throttle, non-stop mischief. Two of them.” She sank back and slumped in her chair. “Any free time I am fortunate to have, I spend with you. The only action I get is reading a romance novel.”

Cassie and Tammy both loved their romance novels. Most of the teachers at school read them. There was a cabinet in the break room full of books they swapped out.

“At least now things are looking up for you.”

Cassie hoped so. She couldn’t wait to see Mike again.

“I had a ball flirting with Jared, but that’s just fun. For a partner, I’m looking for stability. The opposite of my ex.” Tammy held her mug between her hands and stared into space. “I had a man who thought he was Casanova. Where is he now? Gone. That’s where,” she said with disgust. “With his bimbos.”

“You’ve done a great job with them,” Cassie said, meaning her boys. “The twins are happy. They seem to be handling the separation well.”

“They think it’s cool to visit their dad. He was never home much anyway. They probably see more of him now than before the divorce.”

Cassie prodded. “And you?”

Tammy’s gaze met hers, that familiar glimmer back in her eyes. “I’m great. Life is good.” She turned up her mug. After a swallow, she set it down and gave a slight shrug. “One of these days my prince will come along. I’m not in any hurry. Like I said. I need to think of my boys.”

“You need to think of yourself, too. You’re a lovely woman. Funny, sharp.”