Page 118 of Mike

“God, Cassie. You’re so wet. For me. Only for me,” he growled.

“Yes, Mike. Only for you,” she gasped.

His fingers teased her honey spot and suddenly her hand was on him, massaging his erection through his jeans. He was near to bursting. Things had never been so hot, so fast, so demanding between them. He growled and pressed into her hand.

Her fingers tugged at the waistband. He pulled back, flipped the snap and jerked the zipper allowing his bulge to breathe. When she dove into his briefs and pulled, he thought he’d go mad from sheer pleasure.

He tore at her clothes. She tore at his. When they were completely naked, he hoisted her up against the wall. There was no thought, no time to go anywhere else. He needed her now. She wrapped her legs around his waist, letting him know it was okay with her. Holding her just so, he slid between her folds and drove deep inside her.

Dazed with sensation, he froze in awe at the emotions rolling through him. Each intimate moment was like their first. Every precious touch was a phenomenon he ached to experience again and again.

“Cassie. God, Cassie. Mine. Only mine.”

He tried going slow, but it was useless. His need fierce, he pounded her against the wall. She clung to him as if the world would end tomorrow. His mind reeled, sensations flooded his nerve endings. He claimed her, mated his soul with hers, and then … a low growl formed in his chest as Cassie shattered, her cry ringing in his ears, his pounding release hammering through his body.

Cassie’s short breaths keened in his ear. Indescribable emotions flooded him. A sense of home and belonging invaded his soul. This woman was his entire world. He’d never let her go.

Her heart battered his chest. When her head fell to his shoulder, he smiled, feeling all the love in his heart, and just held her.

Moments passed and he realized he had to move.

“One of these days we might make it to the bedroom first,” he murmured.

“I’m not complaining.”

No, she never objected. She accepted him at any moment, every time he touched her. Such trust … what a privilege she’d given him. Fortune had surely blessed him with an angel.

“Hold on.”

“I don’t know if I can.”

He shifted. She drooped like a wet noodle, causing a snigger to escape his lips. He scooped her into his arms and carried her down the hall to her bedroom, then gently laid her upon the comforter. He feasted his eyes on her golden hair in disarray on the pillow, the languorous expression in her eyes, the satisfied smile on her face. He quickly shed his clothes and stretched out beside her and gathered her next to him, throwing his thigh over hers.

Peace. Contentment. Happiness. All the things he’d feared he would never have.

He thought she’d fallen asleep. She surprised him when she spoke.


“Hmmm?” He rubbed his chin over the top of her head.

“I love you.”

He smiled, his heart swelling. “I know. And I love you.”

Chapter 27

Kathy’s restaurant was a favorite for breakfast. With a cozy atmosphere and fantastic food, the place was usually packed. Today was no different. Cassie stared out the window over the rim of her coffee mug. A silver streak zoomed into the parking lot making her catch her breath.

She could do this.

Cassie and Mike had talked for hours. She told him about her mom, her dad, her sister, who had gotten her all worked up into a stew. Mike talked her through her grief regarding her dad and said he wanted to meet her mom. He’d even convinced her to make amends with her sister. God, how she loved that man.

Even though her sister agreed to meet, Cassie’s stomach churned with nausea. They’d talked, apologized, then Jennifer had suggested breakfast. So, it shouldn’t be but so bad. Still, Cassie couldn’t calm her nerves.

Jennifer entered the restaurant, spotted Cassie and headed straight for their table.

“I’m starved,” she said plopping down into the booth. “I had to take Ranger out for a walk, then I took a shower and my stomach growled all the way here.”