Carly still lay on the rug in front of the fire, looking like a goddess with her blonde hair spread out behind her, all of her lush curves on display. The firelight rippled over her, making her skin seem to dance.
There was a song in it, but he couldn’t write it down now. Right now, all he could think about was losing himself inside her.
“Thank God,” Carly said when she saw the box in his hand.
He dropped to his knees beside her, sheathed himself in a condom, and took her in his arms. “I just met you, but it feels like I’ve been waiting a long time for this moment.”
She looked at him with wide eyes. “I feel it, too.”
He laid her back on the rug and positioned himself against her. She hooked one knee around his hips, taking him in. A hoarse groan tore from his throat. Holy shit, she felt amazing. And he was already struggling for control because everything about Carly was amazing. The infectious sound of her laughter. The way she got all shy, then totally blew his mind in the next second. Those big doe eyes, currently locked on his and blazing with emotion.
Her body surrounded his, gripping him, urging him toward his release. He thrust steadily inside her, clinging to his control by a thread as sweat beaded on his back and need blazed like an inferno inside him. They moved together, touching, kissing, panting.
“So fucking good,” he rasped, losing himself ever deeper inside her welcoming body.
Carly cried out beneath him, and he let himself go. He thrust harder as she came, pounding into her as his own orgasm built, filling him with an almost painful pressure, then pulsing through him in scorching waves of release.
He collapsed on the floor beside her, their limbs still entwined, gasping for breath.
“Wow,” she whispered. “That was…”
“Yeah. It was.” He didn’t want to put words to what he was feeling. Not yet.
When he’d collected his wits, he went down the hall to the bathroom. In the living room, Carly had slipped into his T-shirt. She sat with her knees hugged against her chest, staring into the fire.
He pulled on his boxers and sat beside her. “Okay?”
She turned, a warm smile curving her lips. “So much better than okay.”
“Yeah, me, too.” They sat together for a few minutes in front of the fire.
“Hell of a way to spend the ice storm,” she said.
“Sure is.”
“Why are you really here?” she asked. “In Haven?”
“Short answer or the long one?”
“We’ve got all night. You might as well tell me the long one.”
He had no business telling her either version, but for some reason, he just…needed to. He needed her to know. “My manager rented this place for me, told me to lay low for a while, stay off the radar, come back when I’d written my next big hit.”
She turned her head and met his eyes. “Why lay low?”
“You can probably figure it out.” He looked away. Carly seemed to be a fan after all, although he was pretending for tonight that she wasn’t because he had a rule not ever to sleep with a fan.
“That thing with your housekeeper.”
He nodded. “Yeah, that thing.”
“So tell me what happened,” she said.
“You know what happened.”
She lifted an eyebrow. “And Celebrity Juice never gets its facts wrong?”
He inhaled sharply. She was asking him for his side of the story. His own manager hadn’t done that, had told Sam it didn’t matter. The only thing that mattered was the public perception, and right now the general public thought he was a heartless asshole. “I never slept with Miriam. Her baby isn’t mine. I took a damn paternity test just to get her and the press off my back.”