Page 14 of Rock with You


Sam sat by the back window, strumming chords while the melody worked itself out in his head. After they finally got up, he and Carly had quickly realized they’d be spending the day near the fireplace. The rest of the house was colder than a refrigerator. Outside, the world glistened beneath a sheen of ice. It coated everything, the house, the trees, the road.

It meant Carly wasn’t going home today. He didn’t mind. Didn’t think she did either. They were having themselves a hell of a sleepover party, and he intended to enjoy every moment. That, and write as much new music as he could while he still had his muse here for inspiration.

“Back in Black” started playing on his cell phone—the ring tone he’d set for his manager, Donny. Sam almost turned it off. He’d charged his phone this morning in case his parents had called, not to take more flak from Donny. Although…

He brought the phone to his ear. “Donny.”

“Sam!” Donny’s voice boomed over the line. “Listen, I need you back here ASAP.”

“What happened to writing my next hit?” he asked drily.

“We’ll worry about that later,” Donny said. “I just got off the phone with Tina Torrey’s manager. She wants to record a duet.”

“A duet with Tina Torrey?” Sam had met her a few times. She sang edgy rock-laced pop, real cute with jet-black hair and overdone makeup. And she was hot, as in burning-up-the-charts hot. His interest was definitely piqued.

“Recording as soon as next week. We want it all over the airwaves this summer. This is your splashy comeback, Sam. We’ll follow it up with a new album.”

“Send me what you’ve got. I’ll give you my final decision after I’ve heard the tune, but unofficially…I’ll do it,” Sam said. He respected Tina Torrey and her music. Collaborating with her was a good move.

“Awesome, man, will do. I’ll go ahead and charter a flight for you.”

“Better check the weather first,” Sam said. “We’ve had an ice storm here in North Carolina.”

“We?” Curiosity dripped from Donny’s voice.

“Me, and the rest of the town. Couldn’t get out if I wanted to.”

“Right, well, let me see what I can do. I’ll be in touch.” A click signaled the end of the call.

Sam powered off his phone. He wasn’t checking it again until Carly had left. Donny and his hit-making duet would have to wait.

“A duet, huh?” Carly said, coming to stand beside him at the window.


“I like it.” She smiled softly, her brown eyes twinkling with the reflection of the icicles outside.

“Could be just what I need.”

“I think so, too.” She gazed out the window. “It’s beautiful out there.”

So was she, her hair loose and wavy, dressed in his shirt and sweatpants. He picked up his guitar.

“So beautiful,” he sang. “The world melts away when I look in her eyes.”

“I could listen to you sing all day.” She slid onto his knees, the guitar between them.

“I could sing to you all day.” He leaned forward to kiss her. He’d written four songs since he met her yesterday. At this rate, he’d have enough music written to record a new album once Donny got that flight chartered. But after a month of biding his time in Haven, waiting to escape, now that he was truly trapped, he no longer wanted to leave.

He sang what he had so far on the song he was calling “Crazy Beautiful” while Carly leaned in close, watching him play. When he’d finished, there were tears in her eyes.

“That was beautiful,” she said. “Thank you.”

He set his guitar on the floor and tugged her closer.

She pressed a kiss against his lips. “You’ve done it.”