Page 90 of Best Served Cold

“Same.” He dusted off his hands and climbed to his feet.

I eyed the strip of skin peeking out from where his shirt had ridden up and his jeans had slipped down.

His body was ridiculous. He didn’t have super defined abs, but his stomach was washboard flat and his muscles were thick. Basically my body type if I lost forty pounds and had an ab routine.

Averting my gaze, I stood. “You don’t shred?”

He shoved his hands in his pockets. “Nah. Too much work. I’m good as long as I keep my standards for the club.”

“You saying you’d look like me if you didn’t have to impress the ladies?”

He shot me a look I couldn’t interpret.

Shit. Had he heard the edge in my voice?

“There’s nothing wrong with how you look.” He checked the time on his phone again. “But when you work a job that’s completely dependent on people finding you attractive, you gotta fit into what they want.” He flipped the phone in his hands a few times.

Was he fidgeting?

“I don’t do privates.”

“I’m sorry?” I cut my gaze to his face. He was staring at his phone as he flipped it again.

“Private dances. I don’t do them.”

“Why not?”

“Don’t like them.” He flipped the phone quicker. “Riv does.”

“I’m…not following.”

“He does them for both of us. Whenever I get requested, he steps in. Perk of being a twin.”


The news made me feel better, but why was he telling me this?

“We should get to the parking lot. They’ll be here soon.” Shoving his phone in his pocket for a final time, he took off through the trees.

I stumbled behind him, still reeling from what the fuck just happened.

Zane had willingly shared his joint with me, had a conversation with no insults or goading, and shared stuff about his past.

Did he feel sorry for me?

Maybe River told him to talk to me.

River had tried to get me to open up and engage me in conversation the past few days, but Zane had ignored me. I’d tried to be my usual self around the guys, but wasn’t sure how successful I’d been.

No one had treated me any differently, and it wasn’t unusual for me and River me to joke around.

Of course no one noticed I’d been off. I needed to get over myself and stop thinking I was the main character in anyone else’s life. I was a nobody. A non-entity.

Just a background character who might as well be part of the scenery.

No one cared.

No one would ever fucking care.