He crushed the pack and shoved them in his pocket.
“Why are you here?” I asked, my eyes on the ground between us.
“No reason.” He settled next to me, keeping about a foot of space between us. “Do you want me to leave?”
I shrugged.
“What are you listening to?”
I held out the earbud I was still holding. He slipped it in his ear.
“Who is this?” he asked after a lengthy silence.
“Melrose Avenue.”
“Never heard of them.”
“They’re a metal band out of Australia. I discovered them a few months ago and have been listening to their songs on loop since.”
“River does that.”
“Does what?”
“Finds a band or a song he likes and plays it on repeat until it doesn’t make him happy anymore.”
I had no clue what the fuck had gotten into Zane, but just hearing another voice right now was helping to soothe the anxiety crackling under my skin.
“I can hear his accent.” Zane’s lips curled up in a tiny smile.
“Or maybe we’re the ones with the accent.” I lifted my knees and rested my forearms on them.
“I like them.” He pulled his metal cigarette holder out of his pocket. “Your taste in music doesn’t suck.”
“Thanks. I think.”
Silence stretched.
“How’d you find me?”
“Wasn’t hard. You’re wearing safety gear. Not the best choice if you’re going for camouflage outside a jobsite.”
I wanted to ask why he’d come to find me but wasn’t sure I was ready to hear the answer.
The workday was over, and as far as I knew, everyone else had gone home.
Did he stay behind because he wanted to fuck again?
My chest and ass clenched at the thought.
Any doubts I had about if I was into men and enjoyed sex with them had been confirmed the moment Zane put his dick in me. I loved every second of it, and it felt right.
I was bi, and apparently, I was a bottom.
Or maybe I was vers?
Even the thought of fucking Zane was enough to get me hard, but he would never let me.
For one, he wasn’t into guys. Everything we’d done could be explained away as some sort of fucked-up dare or even a long con revenge plot on his end. You didn’t need to be attracted to someone to put your mouth on them, or to get hard when they did the same to you. And it wasn’t like straight dudes didn’t enjoy anal. Zane probably pictured me as a chick the entire time and that’s why he’d been able to do it.