Page 64 of Best Served Cold

“But you said attraction feels like flutters.”

“To me it does. But not everyone feels it like that.” He pulled out his phone and tapped on the screen.

My phone vibrated in my pocket. I dug it out and opened the text notification for our group chat with Nick and Gray.

Riv: what do you feel when you’re attracted to someone?

Nick’s reply appeared before my screen went dark.

Nick: their dick

Nick: hopefully

Riv: I meant what do you feel inside

Nick: their dick if I’m lucky

Riv: lol i walked right into that one

Taking pity on my brother, I typed out a text.

Zane: how do you know when youre attracted to someone

Gray: is this about Noah?

He knew? How the fuck had he figured that out?

Nick: you have a crush????

Zane: not sure

Zane: how’d u know it was about him?

Nick: Noah? Do I know him?

Riv: he works on our crew

Gray: because you eye fuck him whenever you’re in the same room as him

Nick: Im so lost but so here for this

He added a gif of a guy eating popcorn

Nick: continue

Zane: I don’t eye fuck him

Gray: u totally do

Gray: that deathstare you give him is the same one I used to give caleb

Riv: that makes sense because you hated him like Z hates Noah

Nick: holy shit another E2L story coming true??!!

He sent a gif of a cartoon cat with big heart eyes.

Gray: your drawn to him and you don’t know why