Page 57 of Best Served Cold

“This is amazing. I’m…thank you. This is the most thoughtful thing anyone has ever done for me.” Stone swallowed hard, his throat working.

“Can we see?” Gray asked.

“Is it spicy?” Nick asked.

Stone glanced at River. He nodded.

“It’s a little spicy.” He flipped the page around, showing off the portrait of him in nothing but a pair of tiny briefs and a smile. In the drawing, he was in the midst of pushing down his briefs with his hard dick straining against the fabric.

River had found the photo on Stone’s OnlyFans, and he’d perfectly captured Stone’s playful grin and every dip and curve of his ridiculous body.

“Duuuude,” Nick said, shifting so he was perched on Gray’s knees and could see the page better. “The dick print is on point.”

River shrugged. “The man has a nice one.” He glanced around. “What? Is that weird to say?”

“Considering it’s you, nope. Not weird at all.” Gray yanked Nick back onto his lap. “Can you maybe stay still for five seconds and stop using my dick as a springboard?”

“Yeah, like that’s gonna happen.” Nick chuckled.

“Soooo many jokes in there,” Kai said.

“Ready for the next round?” Jett asked when there was a break in the conversation.

I waited as Jett passed the drinks out and accepted the virgin sex on the beach he handed me.

“What’s your real name?” Kai asked Stone. “You don’t have to tell us, but you can trust us.”

Stone ran his finger over the rim of his glass. “It’s Quinn. Quinn Reynolds.”

“Quinn.” River tilted his head in thought. “You look like a Quinn.”

Kai raised his glass. “I’m glad you’re here, Quinn.”

Quinn lifted his own glass and discreetly cleared his throat. “Thanks. And congratulations on everything. You’re gonna rock this next chapter of your life.”

We toasted and sipped our drinks, but I tuned the guys out as they started chatting about random stuff. Everyone was used to my silence, so the only person who noticed this particular brand of my distraction was River.

Tonight had irrevocably changed things between Noah and me, and I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing, or the biggest mistake I’d ever made.



Moving as slowly as possible, I pulled the door to Becca’s room closed, wincing at the audible click as it latched.

I froze and held my breath.

Please stay asleep. Please don’t wake up again.

When nothing happened, I let out a weary sigh and trudged into the living room.

The last twenty-four hours had been some of the longest and most confusing of my life.

I still couldn’t wrap my head around how I’d gone to the club to see Zane dance but had ended up getting a public lap dance and exchanging blowjobs behind the building.

The most confusing part was that while I didn’t regret it, the whole situation still filled me with a deep sense of shame. Zane didn’t even like me, and he wasn’t into guys. Nothing about this meant anything to him. It was just another facet of the bizarre energy that had always been between us. A way for him to get the upper hand and see me lose my shit.

That’s what it was supposed to be for me, too. Just two impulsive idiots being dumbasses and messing with each other’s heads.