Noah’s cheeks went red. He’d shaved his scruff off. It was weird to see so much of his face.
“You liked being brought on stage,” I continued.
His blush deepened.
“Bet you liked everyone seeing just how much you were enjoying yourself.” I flicked my gaze to his crotch, then swept it back up.
He shot me a flat look. “It’s not like I was the only one who got hard.”
“How do you know that wasn’t from being on stage? What if I have a performance kink?”
“Do you?” he asked, his brow knitting with confusion.
“What do you think?”
“I think you’re trying to fuck with my head.”
“Whyever would you think that?” I smiled serenely at him.
“I’m not sure if that’s supposed to be an innocent face, but it’s serving crazy with a side of serial killer.”
I smiled wider.
“Now you just look deranged.”
I shrugged.
“You’re really annoying when you want to be.”
“It’s a gift.”
“So, are you like, a gymnast…or something?”
“Or something.”
“Why did you tell me to come out here?” he asked.
“Probably the same reason you’re carrying those around.” I nodded to the cigarettes he was still holding.
He looked at them in surprise, like he was remembering he had them.
“Do you want one?” I asked.
He looked up. “No.”
I held out my hand.
He hesitated, then slapped the package into my palm. “You smoke?”
“Not these.” I held them up. “Last chance before I trash them.”
“Go for it. You a fan of four-twenty?” he asked as I crushed the packet, making sure to snap every one of the cancer sticks inside.
“Yup. You?”
He nodded, his gaze on the ruined smokes.
“Why’d you come here? For real?” I shoved the package into my pocket.