Deciding to take it for the sign that it probably wasn’t, I slid my phone away and went to stand.
“And now, let’s welcome our favorite twins back to the stage,” the DJ announced over the loudspeaker.
I froze, my ass hovering over the seat. Twins, like River and Zane dancing together? Or did another set of twins work here?
Dropping back into my chair, I forgot all about leaving. Two spotlights lit up the corners of the stage, revealing dancers in identical loose pants, dark hoodies, and dark ballcaps.
Both men had their heads down, and their tattoos were covered, but I knew it was them. I focused on the twin on the left. His shoulders held the slightest bit of tension, and the veins on his hands were prominent as they held their pose.
I knew those hands, and shoulders. That was Zane.
The opening bars to “Burn it to the Ground” by Nickelback faded in, swelling through the speakers and filling the club.
When the bass drum kicked in, the twins began.
Every movement was perfect and precise as they danced in unison, moving like a single unit.
The audience was completely enraptured, and the screams when the twins yanked off their ballcaps and tossed them aside, revealing that they were indeed, twins, were so loud they momentarily drowned out the pulsing beat. Zane’s smirk and River’s cocky smile played well against each other. I couldn’t look away as they worked the stage, slowly stripping off their hoodies as they alternated between dancing together and dancing for the crowd.
Jesus fucking Christ they were mesmerizing. Twin thing aside, they were incredible dancers, and the fluidity of their bodies made every move seem effortless.
My neck heated uncomfortably as River slid in front of Zane and rolled his hips in a sensual figure eight. Zane strode up behind him and slowly dragged the front of River’s shirt up, revealing his abs.
The screams of the audience barely registered in my consciousness as the twins began to sway together. Zane wrapped one arm around River’s waist, infusing more taboo into their routine.
Nothing about what they were doing was explicitly sexual, but the implication was there. Why was that hot?
Someone at the table next to me started hooting like a deranged owl and waving his arms.
Breaking the fourth wall, the twins zeroed in on the man, not missing a beat in their choreography.
The guy shrieked and jumped up, pumping his arms victoriously.
Zane reached over River’s shoulder and gripped his opposite hip. The chorus kicked in, and Zane spun River around so they were facing each other but were still side by side. They did more of those too-sexy hip rolls as River slowly tugged the front of Zane’s shirt up, then dragged his hand down Zane’s stomach. Just as he was about to reach his crotch, Zane’s hand closed over River’s throat and they froze for a breath, then Zane walked River back a few paces.
My cock, which had gone half hard as soon as I’d seen them, went to full mast. My balls throbbed. Holy fucking shit.
The beat changed again. River shoved Zane’s hand off his throat. The twins exchanged a look, then Zane stepped back.
River put his hands on the floor in front of Zane’s feet and kicked his legs up. But instead of stopping in a handstand, he hooked his knees over his brother’s shoulders.
Zane gripped his legs as River flipped up and sat on his shoulders. The momentum of River’s move seemed to knock Zane off balance, and he fell backward, his feet planted on the floor and his back straight as his knees gave out.
A gasp tore out of my throat as they dropped. River got one hand behind Zane’s neck, but instead of crashing into the stage, River’s feet hit the floor and he caught his brother, holding him up by the back of the neck as he half crouched over him.
The stayed like that, locked together, as Zane hovered just above the floor, bent like a backward L at the knees, and completely at his brother’s mercy.
River dipped Zane down, then swung his leg out of the way so Zane could pop back up like he had springs in his knees.
As one, they tore off their shirts, like literally tore them right down the middle. The audience went hogwild as they tossed the ripped remnants of their shirts into the crowd.
The next few seconds were a blur of movement as they did a series of flips and twists, using each other for leverage and throwing the other around despite the lack of safety equipment.
The outro of the song kicked in, and they went back to dancing and shredding each other’s clothes off until they were left in matching blue briefs.
I sat there stunned and breathless as the music faded out and they hit their final pose. When another instrumental ballad came on, they did a complicated handshake, then headed to the platform to get their tips from the crowd of guys rushing the platform.
I’d assumed they could dance if they were strippers, but that had been so much more than a striptease.