Page 13 of Best Served Cold

“Same.” Zane’s smirk hinted there was more to his statement, but he didn’t elaborate.

“Too bad we’re in public. It would be fun to see if either of you could get the other off,” Bubbles mused.

I choked on nothing as Zane’s bewildered gaze went to Bubbles.

“What?” He looked around the group. “Test one is if you can get a guy hard. Test two is getting them off. Can you imagine the bragging rights if you made a straight dude blow his load? That’s the ultimate gay chicken.”

“Pretty sure neither Zane nor Rath wanna get arrested for indecent exposure,” Gray said wryly.

“And you want to watch this?” Tiny asked Bubbles. “Is there something you need to tell us?”

“It’s not that I wanna watch these two play with each other’s dicks.” He waved his hand between us. “It’s just fun to mess with them.”

Gray poked River in the side. “Remember this one? I doubt he wants to watch his brother getting his dick sucked.”

“Nothing I haven’t seen before.”

Everyone swung their gaze to River.

“What?” He looked around the group as Zane smirked. “We’re twins. I’ve seen myself getting a BJ, so technically, I’ve seen him too. Not by a guy, but it’s basically the same. A mouth is a mouth, right?”

“Being a twin must be so weird.” Gray shuddered. “The thought of picturing my little brother with his boyfriend icks me the fuck out. Seeing it would scar me for life.”

“That’s because you raised him,” River said. “And his BF is your former rival. Makes sense that would be weird. I dunno what to say, but when you grow up sharing a face with someone, you don’t see things the same way as other people.”

“Fair enough,” Gray agreed.

River flicked his head in Zane’s direction. “Doesn’t mean I want to see anything, just means it won’t be as weird for me as it would for you with your siblings.”

“I hate to interrupt,” I interrupted. “But as one of the dicks involved in this equation, that’s a hard no from me.”

“What, afraid I’d rock your world?” Zane asked sweetly.

“More like I can’t afford to get arrested.” I grinned lazily, even as my mind spun with disjointed images of Zane on his knees for me.

Fuck. I hated my brain some days. Not only did I have a constant stream of thoughts running through my head at all times, I also had an incredibly vivid imagination and very little control over what my subconscious chose to fixate on. Those images would stick around for a while, even if I didn’t want them to.

And I didn’t want them to.

“You guys are boring.” Bubbles sighed. “Fine. Regular gay chicken. Whoever pulls away from a kiss first, loses.”

“You’re way too invested in this.” Gray arched his eyebrow at him.

“Not my fault.” Bubbles swiped Tiny’s glass off the bar. “Beer and bets are my toxic traits. You know that.” He drained what was left in it before Tiny could snatch it back.

“You still owe me twenty from when you said I couldn’t drag that tire across the lot last week.”

Rolling his eyes, he shoved the empty glass at Tiny and dug his wallet out of his pocket.

Bubbles loved betting, and he and the guys on his crew were constantly putting wagers on the stupidest things. Just yesterday Tiny had won five bucks off him because he’d taken a piss faster during a break. The day before, Bubbles had to go on a coffee run because he’d challenged Pops to see who could cut the pieces for a particularly complicated framing choice faster and had epically lost. The man loved betting, and he never seemed to mind losing or handing over his cash.

I took the twenty and shoved it in my pocket. “Thanks for buying the next round.” I winked.

He hopped up on his stool and kicked his feet excitedly. “I put ten on Zane to bail first.”

I looked sidelong at Zane, who was locked in a stare-off with his brother. I’d noticed they had the uncanny ability to have entire conversations by way of some sort of twin telepathy.

“You don’t have to do this,” Gray told Zane.