“Sure is.”
Becca folded her lips to hide her obvious grin, but before we could take a step, her smile was replaced by a look of understanding.
Well shit. Had she just clocked us?
Whatever. I could do damage control later. Right now my priority was getting Noah’s ass in bed as quietly as possible.
“I’m totally gonna win,” Noah stage-whispered.
“We’ll see,” I stage-whispered back.
Becca covered a giggle with her hand, her eyes sparkling as she looked between us. At least she didn’t seem put off by whatever she’d concluded was going on between us.
It was a struggle, but I got Noah into his room and sitting on his bed.
His room was a carbon copy of River’s, right down to the scattered art supplies littering every surface. Piles of clothes and random stuff were everywhere, but I imagined that like my brother, Noah knew exactly where everything was and the chaos made sense to him.
Knock. Knock.
The door opened and Becca peeked inside, a plate of buttered toast in one hand and a glass of milk in the other.
“Can you try and get these into him? It’ll help with the hangover,” she said quietly.
“Yeah. No problem.” I took them from her. “Should he take some aspirin or anything?”
“He’s allergic to NSAIDs.”
“He is?”
“Yeah. And he doesn’t take acetaminophen unless he has to. His doctor told us there’s a small chance he could develop an allergy to it too when he was a kid and it made him super careful.”
“Does he have any other allergies?”
“Latex, and some antibiotics.”
I glanced back at Noah, who was preoccupied with counting the loops in his wallet chain. He was so focused his face was scrunched up and his tongue peeked out from the corner of his mouth.
How’d I not know he had a latex allergy?
Why hadn’t he said anything when we hooked up?
We’d used his supplies, and I’d been too distracted by everything to bother reading the wrapper, but I should have noticed the condom was different from the ones I’d used in health class when we’d practiced putting them on bananas.
“Thanks for getting him home safe,” she said. “I’ll be in the living room when you’re done.”
She closed the door with a soft click. Noah looked up from his counting.
“Toast?” He beamed, but the smile quickly fell. “My tummy doesn’t wanna eat right now.”
I put the glass and plate on a bare patch on his dresser. “That’s okay. Let’s get you undressed.”
He snickered and put his hand over his mouth.
Seeing him like this was weird, but not in a bad way. He was so vulnerable and open. Trusting.
I knew his inhibitions were currently obliterated, but I didn’t hate that I got to help him when he needed it.
“You’ve had your dick in me but you’ve never seen me naked,” he noted, pulling his hand off his mouth to get the words out. His face fell again. “I can do it. You don’t need to look.”