Page 34 of Best Served Cold

“I was in a mood so I danced with her for a bit and let her think she was about to get lucky when she realized it was me.”

He folded his lips inward, like he was biting back a grin.

“She didn’t appreciate it when I said ‘no thank you’ when she tried to drag me off. Got really pissed when she saw Riv and her friend Margot in the corner having their own fun.”

“Did you actually say ‘no thank you,’ or were you, you?”

“I said no thank you. But I might have also told her I’d never be desperate enough that she’d even be an option.”

He snickered. “Thought so.”

Being alone with Noah and having a conversation with him was weird as hell. He’d managed to distract me from my earlier anger, but now a strange, nervous sort of energy had replaced it.

“You should hit that,” I said, but not even I could ignore my petulant tone. What the fuck was happening to me? Why did I care where Noah stuck his dick? “She wants you.”

“Nah.” He dropped his arms. “I’m allergic to drama.”

The nervous sensation doubled. What the fuck? I never got nervous. I was probably still jacked up from what had just gone down. That’s all.

I needed to be alone so I could deal with this before I lost control.

“Like you’re allergic to the truth?” I asked. I might want to be alone, but I wasn’t about to give Noah the satisfaction of walking away.

“You’re still on that?” He flicked out his tongue and toyed with the stud in it.

“You can always admit you’re a liar and I’ll drop it.”

He narrowed his eyes. “Are you willing to bet on me being a liar?”

“You really want to go there again?” I smirked. “Someone’s eager.”

“You’re the one who can’t stop talking about my dick. I bet you’ve been dreaming about it.”

“You’d lose that bet.”

“Keep telling yourself that.” He rubbed the tip of his tongue against one of his snake bites. “Don’t worry. I’ll keep your secret, like you kept mine.”

“What secret?”

“That you’re not as in control as everyone thinks you are. You might pretend to be an emotionless robot, but I know the truth.”

“Yeah, what’s that?” My breaths sped up at the hot look he gave me.

The fuck was my problem? Why did that look affect me at all?

“That you feel everything and you’re just as emotional and reactive as the rest of us, probably more so.”

“You think so?” I kept my tone flat, even as more of that sloppy, restless energy filled my chest and my stomach did a flip.

“I do.” He stepped closer. “You might have everyone fooled, but I can see just how close to losing it you are, and I’m not just talking about your anger.”

“Shut up.”

“Why?” He looked at me innocently. “Hitting a little too close to home?”

“Fuck you.”

“You want that, don’t you.”