“Let me guess, your side and River’s side?” Noah pointed to the left of the counter, then the right.
My side was clear except for a small grouping of products I used. River’s was a mess of uncapped products and random stuff.
“Yup.” I tapped one of the towels draped over the rack. “These are clean. Use whatever you want. Mine, his, doesn’t matter.”
He nodded and angled himself away from the mirror.
“The water is a bit finicky. It takes a while to get hot, but then it comes in fast,” I said lamely.
God. Why was I like this?
I wanted to offer to help him get undressed or even shower with him, but I couldn’t get the words out. Was that what he needed? Would that make things worse?
He was already self-conscious about his body, and now he was feeling extra vulnerable. I didn’t want to add to his discomfort.
“I’ll get you some clothes,” I offered.
“Will they fit?” He eyed me, then looked down at himself.
“River’s got a ton of oversized stuff. He’ll have something.”
“Will he mind me wearing his clothes?”
“Doubtful considering he’s wearing my spare work gear right now.”
The corner of Noah’s mouth lifted up. “Thanks.”
Nodding awkwardly, I left the tiny bathroom, squeezing past him, and hurried into River’s room.
The place was a disaster, as usual.
Water whooshed through the pipes as Noah started his shower.
Being careful not to disrupt his things too much, I fished out an oversized hoodie, sweats, a tee, and a pair of clean socks from his dresser.
“Noah?” I called through the bathroom door.
“Yeah?” came his muffled answer.
“Where do you want me to put these?”
“On the counter.”
Cracking open the door, I slid them onto the counter.
Then I changed out of my work clothes and went to the kitchen to make him a shake.
“Hey,” a gruff voice came from behind me as I was putting the blender away.
“Hey.” I pointed at the shake on the counter. “It’s good, strawberry shortcake.”
He picked it up and gingerly sniffed it.
“Do you need to read the allergy info? I didn’t think to check it.”
He shook his head and took a tiny sip. “It is good.” He stared at the tumbler in surprise. “The kind I buy tastes like ass.”
I arched my eyebrow at him. “Yum.”