Focus, jackass.
The two of them getting closer is a good thing. I’ll tell him so next time I see him.
Him. Like I suddenly can’t even use his name.
See? Not so hard.
And there’s the problem right there. The last time I talked to Alex, it definitely was hard and Joelle was nowhere in sight. We were talking about her, sure, but I was on the phone with my best friend. My best guy friend. Who is a guy.
As in, the kind who has a penis. Like mine.
The night of the storm, Alex told Joelle not to let other people’s idea of ‘shouldn’t’ matter. I’ve got no problem with guys who like guys, but in the world as I know it, I shouldn’t be having this reaction to my best friend. I’ve never looked at a man twice in my life, at least not that way.
I mean, not when I’m sober. And that was only a few times anyway. Everybody gets a little curious when they’re drunk.
And that doesn’t even touch the fact that he’s my best friend. He’s the person I count on for everything. We take care of each other. Besides, he’s not remotely gay either.
So really, beating the ever-loving shit out of Alex’s boxing equipment is all I have right now, because everything else is just… fucked.
“You planning on taking a break any time soon? Because the neighbors are starting to think I’ve locked you in.”
I stand up, stopping the bag and grabbing my towel before I look over at Alex.
“I didn’t hear you get home,” I say.
“I worked that one out myself, since I’ve been here for over an hour. How long have you been out here?”
I shrug.
“Something on your mind?” he says. He’s looking at me carefully, like I might make a run for the door any second.
Smart guy, that Alex.
I throw the towel over my shoulder and head to the minifridge for a bottle of water.
“The new menu’s a hit,” I say by way of an answer.
“Glad to hear it,” he says, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall. “Joelle certainly seems to know what she’s doing.”
I snort. “People keep telling her she needs to open her own place so she can put me out of business.”
“Yeah.” I chug the water. Steam is rolling off my arms. Must be colder in here than I thought, but I’m not feeling it yet.
Alex is watching me and it pisses me off how much I’m aware of it. I don’t want to be aware of him. What the hell is wrong with me?
“Saw the flowers you sent Joelle,” I say, going for the smaller elephant. Maybe if I can piss him off enough, he’ll leave the bigger elephant alone. “Nice work.”
Alex narrows his eyes at me.
“You told me I should ask her out.”
“Did you?”