Page 59 of Steam

He waits. Eyebrows raised.

“What?” I ask, tossing the laptop down on the cushion next to me and crossing my arms.

Cas taps his fingers on the wooden coffee table for a long moment before he speaks.

“Guess you’re not done surprising me,” he says after an awkward silence.

I wonder briefly if I can get away with just ignoring the last couple of minutes. Cas might even let me get away with it.

Only that’s not me anymore. I decided weeks ago that if I found something I wanted, I was going for it. Even if it’s hard. Even if it hurt. Even if other people didn’t approve.

What I don’t want is the kind of friendship where we don’t tell each other the truth. So I look Cas in the eye, and I make a decision.

“I met somebody,” I say. Cas blinks, clearly not expecting the conversation to go this way. “Actually, to be clear, I met two somebodies. At the beach.”

Cas’s face pinches up. “If you think that’s clear…”

“Her name’s Callie,” I say and take a deep breath. “And his name is West.”

The silence stretches out. And stretches.

“How did you meet them?” Cas asks casually.

I start to answer him twice and have to stop.

“That’s the first question you ask?”

“Got to start somewhere,” he says, shrugging. “I’m guessing at the wedding?”

I nod. “They were guests of one of the grooms.” His eyebrows go up and I realize I haven’t told him anything at all.

So I tell him.

“The wedding was for a throuple,” I say, wincing a little at the horrible-sounding term. “Mom didn’t tell me until we were on the plane, but her friend’s son Alex married his boyfriend and girlfriend.”


“Yeah,” I say. “It was just a wedding, you know? Only for three people.” I flush, stopping myself before I tell Cas the ceremony was the most romantic thing I’d ever seen. Maybe a few secrets are okay to keep.

“I’d have liked to have seen that,” he says, and he’s not being sarcastic or snide. “What about the other two? Cassie and West.”

“Callie,” I say, correcting him. “Her name is Callahan. His name is Weston. Callie’s brother was one of the best men. West came along as a plus one.”

“They’re a couple?” Cas asks.

“Not exactly,” I say, shaking my head. “That part is complicated, but as best I can tell, they were on their way to getting together the night we met.”

“So how do you fit in with all this?” Cas asks. He raises one eyebrow and gives me just a hint of a smirk. “And do not be afraid to get specific. Details are appreciated.”

“Slut,” I say. “Uh. Turns out West likes both. Is bi. Bisexual.” Another weird word, one I’m not used to saying, or thinking.

“And Callie doesn’t have a problem with that,” he says, not making it a question, just trying to coax more information out of me. Who knew this would be so hard to talk about?

“Uh, no,” I say, scratching the back of my neck. “She definitely does not have a problem with it.” I’m pretty sure I’m blushing now.

“What about you?”

“What about me?” I ask, the memories and the explanation tangling me up enough that I’ve lost my place in the conversation altogether.