Page 43 of Steam

It’s the second time today I’ve asked him that. He knows exactly what I’m really asking.

Raleigh nods. I squeeze his neck ever so slightly, turning my attention back to Callie. Her breath is coming in quick little pants, and it’s sexy as hell. I drop my mouth to hers. It’s not a kiss, not exactly. I just want to feel those tiny breaths in my soul and this is the closest I can get.

Callie moans, pressing forward that last fraction of an inch. My hand comes up to the wall beside her head, bracing myself against the kiss. Tasting her, finally. One last thin shred of sanity pulls me back before I do too much damage.

I can’t touch her again. I can’t.

Raleigh’s pulse trips under my fingers. I shift sideways, hating the air that rushes between my body and Callie’s but loving the heat I can feel rolling off of Raleigh in waves. I keep my hand at his throat, resting gently as I coast my thumb up under his jaw, over his chin, coming to rest at the crest of his bottom lip. I stroke that soft skin, greedy to feel it, wondering how it would feel against my own lips. Wondering if he’d let me.

Judging by the unguarded lust in his eyes, he would. But I don’t, not yet. I’ve been down this road with men before. Raleigh will come to me when he’s ready. Until then…

Well, we have plenty of options in the meantime.

I make my way into the room, knowing they’ll follow, and hold up a hand when they’re still several feet away.

“On your knees.”

Callahan blinks. Raleigh’s eyes go wide.

“Who are you—?” Raleigh starts.

“Both of you.” I yank at the buckle of my belt, unable to stand the pressure of my clothes any longer. I’ll see to them both in a minute. First things first.

Callahan watches my hand closely as I wrestle with the clasp and the zipper, dropping to her knees slowly. I disentangle my thickening cock from my underwear, pulling my shirt out of the way and wrapping a hand around the base to squeeze. The relief is intense.

Raleigh hasn’t moved a muscle.

“I’m not going to touch you,” I say, giving myself one stroke. It’s almost too much already. “But I’m also not going to tell you again.”

Raleigh wets his lips, dragging his gaze away from the shaft in my hand and back up to my face.

“Limits?” I ask him quietly. Raleigh shakes his head, and slowly, slowly sinks to his knees.

Raleigh and Callie watch as I stroke myself off, too far away to do anything more than watch and wait. I track his blush, her breathing. Knowing I’m turning them on and there’s nothing they can do about it is heady.

Or almost nothing. Callahan is rocking her hips slightly. I’m not even sure if she’s aware she’s doing it. Raleigh, though? He knows exactly what he’s doing.

I stop moving at once, the frustration dialing up my arousal more than I thought possible.

“Raleigh,” I say sharply.

Raleigh jerks, looking up at my face, his hand caught behind the fly of his pants. He’s fully aroused, and based on the rate he was stroking himself under his clothes, I’d be willing to bet he’s close to getting off.

Knowing I have that power over him—over both of them—is enough to push me right up to the edge.

“I will tie your hands if I have to, Raleigh,” I say. His eyes go wide as saucers. “Keep them still.”

He nods and gulps. A thought occurs to me, a way to make it better for him. Better for all of us, I think.

That’s my role here, my responsibility. Their pleasure is mine to grow, to foster, to cultivate. And yes… to control.

I release my cock. Callahan whimpers, testing my control. She rocks her hips a little harder.

“On second thought,” I say, drawing it out. “Yes, on second thought… unzip your pants, Raleigh.”

Callie looks over, gasping again when she sees what Raleigh has gotten himself into. Raleigh blushes harder, pulling his hand out of his pants and negotiating the zipper over his prominent erection. They’re kneeling close enough to touch each other.

“Raleigh, it’s time we get Callahan out of that wet dress.”