Page 22 of Steam

“Let me stop you right there,” says West, glancing around. We’re completely alone out here in the dark; waves crashing so loudly we almost can’t hear the people back at the beach bar not fifty yards away.

“You want him,” says West. Callahan lifts her chin and doesn’t speak. “And you say you want me.”

That pisses her off, though I’m not sure why.

“And since you and I are not happening, ever, I’m going to make you an offer.”

West leaves me out of this conversation entirely, addressing Callahan alone. More than a little amused, I cross my arms and wait for him to finish.

“You will both come back to my room,” says West. I stop smiling. “And you can get what you want there.”

“And you’re going to do what?” says Callahan furiously. “Lock yourself in the bathroom and plug your ears? Who the hell do you think you are?”

“I’m the man who promised your brother that I’d make sure you’re safe tonight. If this is what you want”—he waves a vague hand at me—“then I’ll make sure you’re safe.”

Now I’m pissed too.

“You going to help me with the condom then, West?” I ask. I sound like a snotty brat, but I can’t help it and right this minute I don’t care.

“If necessary,” he says.

“You’re unbelievable,” says Callahan, fisting both hands in her hair.

“And you’re vulnerable and he’s a total stranger,” says West, crossing his arms and planting his feet in the sand. “I’m not leaving you alone with him.”

“Hang on,” I say, dropping my arms. “You think I’m the threat? You spent half the night all but assaulting me in the bar.”

“If that’s what you consider assault, I’ll be interested to see how you handle sex,” says West.


“You’re unbelievable,” says Callahan, throwing her hands up in the air.

“Take it or leave it,” says West.

“Callahan,” I say. She takes a deep breath and looks at me. I take two cautious steps in her direction, putting myself in her space and tracking West out of the corner of my eye. I take her hand, tracing her fingertips and enjoying the way she trembles a little at the tiny touch. “You don’t have to do this. Any of it. I will escort you back to your room and make sure you lock the door behind you if you want. Or I can walk you back to the bar. Or I will keep him here so you can do whatever you like.” Weston snorts at that, but Callahan and I both ignore him.

“What do you want?” I ask, keeping all my focus on her. She takes another deep breath, looking up at me and I lose my place staring into the depths of all that blue, so dark out here in the night that they’re almost as black as the ocean.

She takes her time answering and by the time she does, her hands are warm and steady in mine.

“I already told you, Raleigh,” she says, making sure we both hear. “I want you both.”



After Callie repeats those damning words, the walk up through the enormous house feels interminable. Every possessive instinct I’ve ever had wants to slam her up against the nearest surface, flat or otherwise, and not let go until I’ve had my fill. More surprisingly, Raleigh is part of that too, though every red flag in my head is telling me the guy is straight.

Not so straight that he’d turn down a threesome involving another guy.

We’re not having a threesome, I remind my cock firmly. I’m making sure Callie gets her rocks off in a safe, responsible way in the best way I know how.

I’m not delusional. Nothing about this is okay; not the way I talked to Callie on the beach, nor the ultimatum I threw down for them, not even a single step I’ve taken since Raleigh sat down at our table.

Callahan Hale does not belong to me. The knowledge of it grates on me and does nothing at all to diminish my anger. Likewise, Raleigh is not mine, in so many more ways than one. This is not my one-night stand; it’s not my show to run.

So what the hell are we doing here?