Page 47 of Steam

“For what it’s worth,” I say when I think he’s no longer a flight risk, “I think he feels the same way.”

West nods, the action sending his facial hair bristling along my cheek, making me shiver.

“I think so, too,” he says. His voice is different now, deeper, surer.

“You wanted… what?” I ask, tipping my head back to look at him. “To see if that would freak me out?”

West’s gaze is level when he meets my eyes—level and hot.

“It’s like you said the other night,” he says. “I want you both.”

The way he says it, I can see how it plays out, the three of us, all of us at the same time. Not just him and me, not just me and Raleigh. All of us. My knees get weak.

A hand taps West’s shoulder.

“Mind if I cut in?” asks Raleigh, holding out a hand.



Watching Callahan and West sway back and forth, barefoot on a random dance floor in the middle of the beach in the middle of a gorgeous, mild winter day, the gears in my head align and something clicks.

I want them. Both of them. Not just the way West has been using me as a proxy so he can fool around with Callahan. That’s sexy, but it’s also kind of stupid. If he wants her—that’s no secret, he wants her so much I get sympathy pains just watching him sometimes—he needs to go for it, because life is short.

Damn it. Life is too short.

West should look ridiculous, dancing barefoot in a bespoke suit, but he looks like a cover model for some windswept romance and all I can think about is getting them alone.

Them. Both of them. I want the same things from both of them. I want his mouth on me, and Christ, mine on him. And I want Callahan there for every minute of it.

I feel like I’m supposed to be freaking out. Or in shock or something. I’ve never been attracted to a man before. And yeah, I mean, I’m a little surprised. But somewhere in the back of my mind, I’ve been coming around to this for days, so the surprise part is over.

All that’s left now is the wanting.

Callie says something and it makes West smile, a different kind of smile than that lethal, sexy, determined smile he wore last night in the stairwell. The memory makes me shiver.

I may not have a lot of practice at flirting with men, but having been one for the last twenty-plus years, I think I can safely assume West isn’t going to be upset when I tell him.

Callahan, on the other hand… I have no clue how she’s going to feel about this. You’d think having sex with him in the room means all kinds of options are on the table, but I’ve never done anything like this before and springing it on her in the middle of things is probably not the best idea.

No time like the present. Ignoring my absolute lack of dancing skills—if I’m going to embarrass myself, might as well go all out—I make my way through the tables to the now sandy dance floor and tap West on the shoulder.

“Mind if I cut in?”

Like I’m in a damn movie. Good Lord, Raleigh.

But nobody rolls their eyes at me. Callahan looks at me like she’s just been waiting for me to get here the whole time, which is gratifying.

West… his eyes are dark, burning with a low heat. My body perks up immediately.


“Which one of us are you asking?” says West.

I lock eyes with him and let down every guard, letting him see it all. I can see the moment he figures it out; he’s not surprised at all. But the low-simmering heat dials up to eleven so fast I have to lock my knees to keep from stepping back.

“Come on, Raleigh,” Callie murmurs, her voice rich with amusement. “Let’s show West how it’s done.”