Page 40 of Steam

He waits for me to look at him, which I only do after I’m convinced he’s not going to leave without getting what he wants.

And what do you think that is, Raleigh?

The look on his face is dark and hot, and the absolute last thing I want is for him to be moving away from me. But West takes a step back, keeping his eyes on mine.

“Listen to me,” he says. He looks me over, head to toe, and this time there’s no way he can miss the tent I’m pitching under these goddamn dress slacks. “You remember our conversation earlier?”

I nod.

“I asked you about your limits,” he says. My face heats. “Callahan wants you again, Raleigh. Before you say yes to her, you need to think long and hard about those limits.”

It’s a little easier to think now that he’s standing over there, so I say the first thing that comes to mind.

“She just wants me?” I ask. I know she wants him, too. What I want to know is whether West’s come to terms with that. If he doesn’t take what Callie is offering him, he’s a fool.

His mouth tightens, all traces of that deadly smile gone.

“Callahan is… complicated,” he says.

“Well, she’s a woman.”

His eyes jerk back up to mine, a flash of humor in them at first, drowned out by heat.

“She is,” he agrees. “Men are usually less complicated.”

I think he means me, and I’m too afraid I’m right to reply. Another long look, and West takes a deep breath.

“Which is why I need you to think about those limits,” he continues. “Think hard. If you come home with us again tonight, I’ll expect you to know what they are.”

Us. Both of them. Again.

I swallow. West follows the action, his body tensing for a moment. Then he nods.

“Do you understand?” he asks. I nod, but he shakes his head. “You’re going to need to use your words, Raleigh.”

“I understand,” I say. He nods and turns, descending the stairs and slipping through the door, leaving me to peel myself from the wall on the landing.

I wait a few moments, making sure I’m presentable before following in his wake.

“There you are!” calls my mother from the dance floor as I try to sneak back to the table. “You missed the Macarena!”

I laugh and wave, pantomiming going to get a drink and I make my way back to our table.

West is standing by his chair, looking thunderous. Looking back out to the dance floor, I see what’s inspired his sudden change in mood—Callahan and that golden dress, being twirled around by another man. It takes me a long moment, but I start to laugh when I recognize that man as Elliot’s brother, the other best man. I’m pretty sure his wife is somewhere in the crowd, but I guess West missed the part about the guy being married. They’re fun to watch, and several of the other dancers back away to give them space. The song changes, and Callie kisses her partner on the cheek, shaking her head at his obvious invitation to stay for another dance. He smiles and waves as she walks away, then seizes the hand of a thick brunette, bending her backward to kiss her deeply, much to the delight of the crowd.

I look back at West to make sure he caught the show, laughing again at his sheepish expression. Callie catches up to him, and as one, they both look my way.



The music is too goddamn loud, but at least the DJ doesn’t have those ridiculous lights flashing like you see at lots of places. The house lights are dim enough, but people aren’t letting that stop them. Like that asshole who danced with Callahan. Turns out he’s not that much of an asshole; his wife didn’t even seem to care that he had his hands on my—on Callie.

“Where did you run off to?” she asks, still smiling at that jerk from the dance floor as he twirls his wife around like this is some kind of ballroom competition.

It’s maybe a little bit charming to watch, now that the woman he’s touching isn’t Callie.

Callie resumes her seat next to me at our table. My best guess, we need to stay at least another thirty minutes before we can cut out of here, and you better believe I’m watching the clock. That little scene on the stairs with Raleigh only poured fuel on the fire.