Page 21 of Steam

Still, while he might as well have DANGER tattooed on his forehead—in neon—I don’t feel physically threatened by him at all. I do feel something, though, and damned if I can figure out what that is.

I want to, though.

My heart starts pounding.

“Maybe I’d like to make it my business,” I say, directing the statement toward them both. Let them figure out what it means.

“You’re out of line, boy,” says West. His glare is potent. I shiver and notice belatedly that I’m fully erect. Whatever the hell else is going on, I’m clearly into it and it just makes me all the more determined to see where this goes.

“Not quite. Or not yet,” I say, turning to look at him speculatively, staring at him openly. West rocks back a little, his eyes widening in surprise.

If this is all I get, this weird flirty confrontation in a dive bar on the beach, I’m going to milk it for every drop. I can’t remember the last time I’d been so turned on. And we’re not even talking about sex.

West looks at Callahan, putting him in profile again. I think I want to touch him.

The thought comes out of nowhere, almost knocking me to the floor. At the same time, a voice in my head that sounds suspiciously like Casimir is crowing with laughter.

I swallow hard, picking up my drink just to give my itchy palms something to do.

“Tell me something, Raleigh,” says Callahan. “Have you ever had a threesome?”

I’m grateful not to be taking a sip when she says it, but I still choke on nothing. West isn’t so lucky. He inhales the better part of his drink. Coughing, he holds up a hand.

“Knock it off, Callie,” he says, still gasping a little.

“What?” she says. “I’m just asking a question. And I wasn’t talking to you anyway.”

She turns back to me, ignoring West for all she’s worth. The color in her cheeks clues me in that this conversation is probably way outside her comfort zone. Or she’s turned on. Or both.

I can relate to that.

It’s cute as hell that she’s a little embarrassed, but she doesn’t let West stop her, so I answer her the only way I can.

“Not yet.”

West stops trying to get Callahan’s attention and looks at me, looks at me hard. And sweet Jesus, if my dick gets any harder I’m not going to be able to stand up. The sweet scent coming from Callahan where she’s still holding my arm and the salt from the sea air and the vibrating intensity of whatever-it-is shimmering between the two of them… all of it conspires to make me more aware and more aroused than I’ve been in my life.

And we’re just sitting in the damned bar.

“All right, Raleigh,” says West after a long, rich silence. “I’m going to walk Callie back to the hotel.” Callahan tries to object, but he holds up a hand and glares at her until she stops talking.

“You’re welcome to join us,” says West. “If you’re heading back that way.”

My pulse picks up. Callahan’s mouth drops open.

“Sure,” I say. My mouth’s gone dry.

“Let me just—” West doesn’t finish the sentence, but instead, he stands up and waves at somebody across the bar. He points at himself, then Callahan, then the door. The crowd shifts and I see Finn waving and giving him two thumbs-up.

“Right,” says West. “Time to go.”

My breath still hasn’t returned to normal by the time we’ve made our way down to the beach for the short walk back. Before we make the turn up the patio that will take us back to the mansion/guest house, Callahan stops.

“I’m not ready to go back yet,” she says, looking up at West defiantly.

“I think you’re plenty ready,” he shoots back. Callahan’s eyes go wide and I feel mine do the same.

“You overbearing ass,” she says.