Page 11 of Steam

“Is it going to be a problem,” he asks, narrowing his eyes at me, “Or are you just hung up about the sex?”

I choke on air and spend twenty seconds letting Elliot pound me on the back, the amusement on his face plain.

“It’s usually one or the other,” he explains when I’m breathing normally again, resting his elbows on the deck and looking out over the water. “People tend to be upset by our relationship, or curious about the sex. Or both, of course; it’s usually some combination of the two. But I saw you earlier, back inside. I don’t think you’re about to get all morally indignant on us.”

I clear my throat one more time and mirror his pose, since it seems like the danger of being tossed into the ocean has passed.

“Not upset,” I say. “Curious. And I’m sorry. I’m not actually trying to be rude.”

“It is what it is,” he says, shrugging. “What we have is rare, and rare means it’s a novelty to most people. Curiosity is a pretty normal response to that.” He grins. “Add in the fact that I fell in love with a woman and a man, and that’s usually where people’s eyes start to cross.”

“Were you…” My voice trails off as I realize I just met this guy all of thirty minutes ago and there’s no way my questions could be considered polite conversation.

“Ask me.” Elliot sips his beer and looks at me.

“Were you always into men?” As soon as the question is out, my face goes bright red. The words just fell out.

Elliot starts to laugh.

“Not even remotely. Hell, Alex and I were roommates for ages. He’s my best friend.” His lips quirk, his eyes go distant, clearly reminiscing. “Then Joelle came along. Thank God, too. I don’t know if I’d ever have gotten a clue without her.”

“But you and Alex are…” I clear my throat again. Jesus. “Involved.”

Elliot smirks again. I get the feeling he does that a lot.

“We are lovers, yes,” he says. “I’m going to marry him in two days, every bit the same as I’m going to marry Joelle. It’s the same between them, too.”

“I’m sorry.” The apology comes automatically.

“It’s okay, kid,” says Elliot. “If it weren’t okay I wouldn’t be out here talking to you.”

I turn my gaze back out over the water, trying to act cool, feeling anything but.

“Tell you what,” says Elliot. “Come out with us for the bachelor party tonight.”

“You don’t have to—”

“I know I don’t have to,” he says. “It’s not a big thing, just a beach pub crawl. Anybody who wants to come is welcome. If you decide you want to join us, I’ll answer any question you like.”

“Any question?”

Elliot looks deeply amused. “Any question,” he says. “Although, given the amount of shots my brother has promised to buy me, you might want to ask them early.”

“Thanks,” I say, having no intention of going. Though the prospect of a pub crawl on vacation has a certain kind of appeal. But not because I want to quiz some stranger on his unconventional relationship.

Which means I’m confused all over again a few hours later when I walk into the tiki-themed bar next to our hotel. I spot Elliot at the bar and start to make my way through the dim room. Elliot sees me and waves me over.

“I was beginning to wonder if you’d make it,” he says, pulling up the stool next to him. “Steve! Get this man a beer.”

A man who is clearly swimming in Elliot’s gene pool hands me a bottle a moment later.

“I’m Elliot’s brother, Steve,” he says over the music. “Anything you need tonight, just ask. Up to and including a safe ride home.”

“Thanks,” I say, toasting him with my drink.

Elliot points to a set of tables not far from where we’re standing, all occupied with people I vaguely recognize from the welcome party.

“These are all ours,” he says. Somebody pulls him away before I can respond, and I take a minute to get my bearings before approaching any of the tables. I see Alex’s mom and give her a wave when she smiles at me. She’s sitting next to a pretty woman I’ve never seen before.