Page 85 of Alexander's Heart

I smile, “Yes, we most certainly will get Eve some beautiful things of her own. Regarding the sleepover, we’ll have to ask Uncle Doc, okay sweet girl.”

No quicker have I gotten my response out, Alexa slides off my lap and runs over to Doc who picks her up and swings her around.

Trying to whisper Alexa asks, “Uncle Doc, can Evie and Aunty Cawo have a sleepova, please. I wants to show hew my woom and she can sleep in my bed and we can wead stowies.”

Doc smiles, “I think that’s a good idea, do you want to go ask Auntie Cawo?” Doc whispers back.

Alexa kisses Doc on the cheek and wriggles to get down. Doc bends to lower her and Alexa’s legs are already running before they hit the ground.

“Aunty Cawo, I asked Uncle Doc if you and Evie could have a sleepova and he said yes, and that I can ask you. I’d love Evie to sleepova in my bed so we can wead stories, can we please, oh, and you too Auntie, please.”

Caroline looks over at us and we nod encouragingly.

“I think we’d like that, thank you sweetheart.”

I watch as my daughter and niece whisper like they’re making secret plans while Caroline still holds her daughter in her arms and it makes me smile. I never thought telling Caroline, let alone introducing them would go this smooth, but it always comes back to love, love is such a powerful emotion and has the capacity to heal.



The 9/11 terrorist attacks killed 2,977 people and injured thousands at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and in Somerset County, Pennsylvania. Commemorative events are held at all three sites on the anniversary of the attacks. At the annual observance held at the 9/11 Memorial in lower Manhattan, family members of the victims read aloud the names of those killed in the 9/11 attacks and in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.

This tragic day in our nation’s history is what made Alexander and most of the team want to serve and protect their country, and today has been quite an emotional day to stand alongside my man as he and the team participated in the annual Memorial Ceremony at the site of the World Trade Center.We attended the annual reading of the names ceremony today, and the immense emotion I felt standing on the very spot of the first line of attacks on that tragic day was a feeling of great sorrow for all the lives lost and the way the world changed that day. The devastation and senseless loss of life is much more prominent and real when you are standing at that very site, on the same date thousands of people died, especially standing alongside my family of military men. It really hit home that my family fights for our freedom every single day, and that what they do is of great importance and I am proud of each and every one of them. We all came back to the apartment this afternoon and had a family dinner to commemorate the fallen and honor our men, Alpha team who are fighting every single day, and we will continue this tradition every year, at dusk we went onto the roof of Harrington House and watched the twin beams light up. Today was such a sad day but also a very honorable and proud day to be a part of.

I’ve had three rounds of cortisone injections to help strengthen the babies lungs because we know I will go into labor early. After being on my feet most of the day due to the memorial service, this afternoon when I was cooking, I was experiencing Braxton Hicks and Doc could see the change in me so he did a quick check and he said my cervix is fifty percent effaced and that labor will happen in the next couple of days if not sooner, so if I want to make my wedding, I have to be on complete bed rest as of now, three days and counting, I have to make it, I want to be married when I give birth to our babies.

Which is giving me plenty of time to look back over the past couple of weeks while the men do the cleanup under Betty’s direction. Caroline and Mom are bathing the girls and I can hear the happy giggles and squeals coming from Alexa’s bathroom, I’m glad we bought the land we did so they will have room to run free and squeal outside, it can get a little much in the apartment especially because their voices travel along the wooden floors but I love hearing them both so happy.

In the last couple of weeks, Alexander has healed and been training hard to regain his pre injury fitness and omg-osh I cannot watch him train anymore, he is sexy as all get out in general but when he’s lifting weights... to all that’s holy my desire is tangible and I almost orgasm every time he grunts and... I just can’t watch because I feel my very swollen belly start to tighten and have to exit the room so I don’t bring labor on, I have had Braxton Hicks contractions regularly, but nowhere near as intense as the first time they started. Alexander and I can’t shower together anymore, I have to have my pregnancy pillow between us so as there’s less chance of a midnight slip happening when I back myself up to Alexander in my sleep. Even our passionate kisses had to stop because I’m teetering on the edge of insanity with a ferocious need to touch, feel, and orgasm, I really need the release, and it’s becoming insanely hard to do as ordered but we have been good and followed Doc’s orders.

Life has been full of laughs, food and everyone getting used to their new normal, the boys are all relaxed with the demise of Jay and Rob Trickle, as are us women, and I finally see the change from mission mode to regular citizens. The boys all have unique personalities and it’s been great to really get to know them, each of them are fantastic men and I’m so lucky to have all these men in my life and love my brothers.

Alexander had a meeting with JSOC and informed them the team is out of commission for two months needing a well-deserved break as those last couple of Tier 1 missions were in hellish war zones and the men really need to have downtime to refresh and reset. He also informed them he will be out for six months to spend time with his family to welcome the birth of our twins into the world. He assured them he would liaise Stateside and that Cuddy will be team Chief on the ground, in his absence. JSOC are not happy but being that Alpha is a private contract they don’t have a choice. The only exception Alexander gave was they are to be contacted if there is a critical threat or attack, he told them the whole team will always show up if the threat is of a critical nature and in the direct safety of the United States citizens, or a fellow SEAL team in trouble.

Mom has moved into a spare apartment next to Caroline and Eve and everyone is doing amazingly, they have their psychological appointments daily, and assimilating back into normal life and society really well, it’s amazing and an overwhelming joy to watch them all enjoy what life has to offer.

Caroline has a lot to live for now that she has her freedom and her daughter Eve, she told us last week that she is feeling stronger every day and her withdrawals are barely noticeable now, which is such a relief and I’m so happy for her. Doc told her to be vigilant but he also said generally speaking, when a person is given drugs against their will to begin with even though they have an addiction in the end, it is a lot easier to remain sober and each day I see more and more of my sister coming back. All three of them are with us in the apartment all day because the girls are so close and love to spend every second they playing, drawing and reading together. Alexander has offered Caroline our apartment when we move into the house so they have security and a much bigger space for her and Eve to move around in, Caroline broke down when he suggested this and hugged him for the first time.

Her biggest hurdle is trusting men, she’s slowly opening up to the boys and allowing them to get closer with her, but she is very aware of each move they make around her, but with the boys treating her as normal but within her boundaries. Being their protective, jovial selves, it’s showing Caroline not all men are ruthless assholes and Tiny is steadfast in his protection of Caroline and Eve. I can see he has fallen hard for the both of them and I really hope Caroline lets him in one day, because I have a feeling Tiny’s not going anywhere, he will wait as long as he needs to for his chance.

We’ve gone to Central Park a few times now that the weather is cooling off with the Summer turning to Fall and with the colors changing it’s so pretty. Alexander drives me right to the entrance closest to the carousel and I waddle, yes, I’ve hit that stage in my pregnancy where I waddle and Alexander loves it. I sit myself on the park bench under the oak tree where Alexa and I first tasted a New York hot dog and read a book while the girls run and play. Alexa introduced Eve to our special place, the carousel, and they each have their favorite horses they ride every single time. Alexa was telling Eve all about the stables and the horse she is going to have and told Eve she would share her with Eve, but Alexander suggested we buy both girls a horse of their own so they can learn to ride and have adventures together, which made me cry ugly tears many, many tears. So, we’re looking for two horses, Alexa wants a black horse after we read; The Black Stallion and we thought Eve could have a white horse which will also match their hair color.

Eve is so animated each time she sees a different part of normal life, especially the outdoors and it breaks my heart that she grew up underground but it’s also beautiful to watch her discover and enjoy something new each day. I’ve always known my beautiful little girl has a heart of gold but she never ceases to amaze me, she offered to share her birthday with Eve because we know Eve is about four and half years old but because Caroline was unaware of dates due to being held captive we don’t know for certain. So, on October 15th the girls will both celebrate their fifth birthdays together and we will present them with their horses.

Alexander and I have been to our property many times and I am astonished and so grateful that it’s nearly completed, we have Betty and Pam to thank for keeping all the contractors on task. We could move in now but Alexander said it will be completely done and furnished by the time the twins arrive, and it would be nice if we all moved in together.

He really is a romantic at heart, and I had a giggle when I told him he is like all my book boyfriends come to life, he growled a little taken aback by my statement but when he saw my cheeky grin he knew it was a good thing and joked that I was banned from reading Mommy porn, as he likes to calls it. I just laughed because these days majority of the covers are beautiful and without hot men on the front and he wouldn’t even know unless he flicked through the pages. Alexander has taken to reading thriller and spy novels now that he’s on leave and is devouring books like Alexa and I do.

I told Lottie that it’s going to take years for me to fill the libraries first floor let alone the four levels and she showed me a meme on Facebook of an Amazon truck backing up filled with books and I laughed because it’s true, that will definitely be us, except I’ll be buying from authors direct, they deserve to have the full profit rather the ‘Zon’ especially indie authors. I can just see our beautiful library being filled with special edition covers and I can’t wait. I’ve thought about going back to school, Alexander offered but I’d much prefer to be at home with raising my children, so I’m considering putting my love of the written word into writing my own book.

I am ever so grateful to Lottie and Dad for helping me when I needed it the most and offering me a new beginning. I can never repay them for their kindness but I’m incredibly lucky to have met Alexa and Alexander and love them dearly for help. I love and cherish every single person in our big loud family and so honored to be a part of it, especially for them accepting my family as part of their own. I have asked Dad to walk me down the aisle and he accepted before I even finished getting the words out, telling me he was planning to do it whether I asked or not. Dad is also officiating the ceremony which will only make our day extra special.



I’m bunking down with the team tonight one floor down from my love, I never want to be away from Lily not for a single second let alone the whole night, but I also knew Lily would appreciate the tradition. My brothers and I shared a bottle of Glenfiddich the one I saw Doc eyeing off, Grand Couronne after the boys and I made all the final preparations and have spent the night reminiscing on our adventures throughout our careers and how far we’ve come. We each had our missions to complete today and for a platoon of door kickers we did a damn fine job. I really hope I make all my angel’s dreams come true and it’s wedding of her dreams, she has been bed bound for 2 days now and just has to make it to tomorrow afternoon. I decided on a 5pm ceremony, so that once we arrive at the reception part it will be just before dusk and be able to have stunning photos on our walk through the park especially at the Carousel. Then when we head over to long lined table that will be set up under just on the boundary of foliage of Lily’s favorite Oak tree. When we arrive, she will see all the twinkling lights hanging above, where we will take our first dance as husband and wife.