Page 72 of Alexander's Heart

Doc inserts the cannula into my arm and I feel the sweet relief when he administers the morphine.

:Joint Comms, this is Alpha 7, Spin ‘er up Blake, we’re good to go, full speed and alert LHH to have an operating room ready.

Doc helps rid me of my body armor and cuts open my shirt then hooks me up to all the monitors.

I use Doc’s frequency but don’t bother with formality.

:Doc, I’m starting to feel cold and can feel myself fading, you need to do everything you can to save me, I have a family to get home to.

:Shut the fuck up Chief, of course I’m gonna save your ass. I know you’re about to pass out, but I’ve got you, you hear me.

:You look after my family if shit goes south Doc, you know my wishes.

:You’re not gonna die man, not on my fucking watch.

:Tell Lily and Alexa that I love them with all my everything. Promise me.

:None of that shit, you’ll be telling them yourself soon enough. Now let me put the fucking oxygen on you and let me do my job big guy, Cuddy will take the lead, and you rest brother.

I nod because my left side is roaring with pain and feels like my lung is filling with fluid.

I’m fading and I know it, I just hope Doc will work is magic and keep from the stars. My last thoughts are of my angel and princess walking in the sun holding hands smiling bright, then I spot two black headed boys running full tilt toward me down the hill, boys, my boys…



Dad stayed with me at the hospital, ever my constant guardian and of course my little love. Betty and Lottie decided to go home late in the evening once they were satisfied my contractions had stopped, and Alexa and I fell asleep reading stories to each other.

I wake with a knot of unease tightening my chest noting the sunrise cresting and have an awful sense of foreboding lingering in the forefront of my mind. Despite the quiet hum of the hospital room and Alexa sleeping soundly beside me, I can’t shake the feeling that something is amiss with Alexander.

I look around the room and when I don’t find Dad, it only makes me more concerned because now I’m really worried, somethings not right, Dad would never leave me unattended. My heart is racing as I reach for my cell on the nightstand, my fingers trembling as I dial Alexander’s number, desperate for reassurance, I know he’s stateside and hope he answers. I stroke Alexa’s soft curls to help me try to calm but each unanswered ring feels like an eternity and has my anxiety mounting.

I look up as Dad enters the room, his expression grave yet composed and end the call because I have a feeling Dad has the answers I need. He takes a seat beside my bed, gently taking my hand in his and kisses the top of my hand.

“Where were you?” I question my voice shaky.

“Lily,” he begins.

“No, please no.” I breathe out as a sob escapes, tears instantly falling from my eyes.

Dad continues, his voice soft but tinged with concern, “I need to tell you something. Alexander... he’s been injured. Lily, you need to breathe for me sweet girl.”

“I-I, no, no, no h-he can’t he’s com–”

“He’s alive, Lily, he’s in surgery right now,”

“Okay, b-but how b-bad is he?” I manage to push past my lips.

“Doc is doing everything he can and you know he’s the best, we just have to stay strong and calm.”

Dad pauses, giving me a moment to process the news, his eyes reflecting both worry and reassurance.

“Alexander is strong, the strongest man I know and Doc assured me it was just a scratch and that he will pull through this, trust in Doc, Alexander will be right beside you soon enough.”

Alexa stirs beside me and I calm my breathing and continue stroking her hair, hoping she remains asleep, I don’t want her upset. I’m barely keeping it together so I take long deep breaths before I speak.

“Do you know what happened? What about the rest of the team? Where are they? Is anyone else hurt?” I whisper.