I pull Alexa to me and sit her on my lap and look to Alexander who nods his approval.
“I have someone on the phone I’d like you to meet.”
“Who is it?” Alexa asks all excited.
“Well, do you remember me talking about my daddy and sister that day in Central Park?”
Alexa nods and sadness befalls her face, “Yes, your daddy and sistaw awe in the staws with Mommy and Daddy.”
“I did say that, but we found out my sister is on earth.” Alexa gasps in shock, this is a tough one because I don’t want her thinking that everyone can come back from the stars.
“Hello,” Caro says on the other end distracting Alexa.
Alexa gasps and looks at the phone, this is not the way I expected to introduce them but kids make life unpredictable.
“Awe you Mommy’s sistaw? Really? Youw not in the staws.”
I’ve been seeing Caroline daily for the past two weeks and have told Caroline about Alexa; she knew of her from when she was forced to call me but didn’t really know. Caroline chuckles, I haven’t heard her laugh in eight years and tears spill from my eyes watching and listening to this exchange. Alexander comes over and sits beside me and wraps his arms firmly around me knowing I need the extra support.
“I am Mommy’s sister and you must be Alexa. I’ve heard so much about you.” Caro sounds happy and it’s heartwarming to hear.
Alexa looks at me with wide questioning eyes and grabs my cheeks in her little hands, “Mommy yaw sistaw, wheaw is she, I wants to see her.”
I hear Caro’s voice, “Alexa, I’m here you can speak to me on the phone, baby girl.”
I know what Caroline’s trying to do and I appreciate the deflection, but I’m starting to panic because I don’t know what to do.
“You need to breathe, Elizabeth, it’ll be, okay.” Caroline soothes.
“Daddy, can we go see my new Auntie?” Alexa asks hopeful.
Alexander asks for Doc and walks off. Alexa is just staring at me and I don’t know what to say.
“Why did youw sistaw tell you to bweathe?”
I take a deep breath and explain to Alexa that Caroline is my sister but she’s also my twin sister.
“The same as my bwothaws,” She asks in surprise.
“What will you do if these bugs are little girls?”
“They not, Mommy.” Alexa says confidently patting my tummy, “how did she know?”
I smile, my little love is ever the curious one, “When you’re an identical twin sometimes you can feel your other twins feelings, even when you’re not near them.”
“Wow, like a supa powaw?” Alexa asks animatedly.
“Kind of, it’s not always there, but we can feel the same happiness, worry, and sometimes even when the other is sick.”
“That’s fun, no fun, but so cool!”
“Yes, it is pretty special.”
Alexander walks back over and sits next to us, “Are you, okay?” He asks.
I nod and smile, “Yeah, Handsome, I’m good, what did you discuss?”
Alexander’s eyes divert quickly to Alexa and then nods at me.