Page 2 of Alexander's Heart

My mind now laser focused on getting this bird and my girl to LHH as fast and as smoothly as I can, I flick my gaze back over my shoulder and see Doc’s inserted a cannula into Blake’s neck, shit that was quick he’s definitely not fucking around, going straight for the jugular for rapid artery transfusion of blood, he is determined to save our girl. We’ve all had to do a few of these in our time on hectic missions, as a donor you experience the feeling of death which is not fucking pleasant.

I hope to all that’s holy it’s not too late. Lily’s been down for too long, it feels like hours, but in reality, I know it’s been less than two minutes, Doc has kept oxygenation flowing through her system so I’m hoping there’ll be no long term affects if Doc can get her to come back to us. We’re seven mikes out but if I push a little harder, we can make it in five.

:Alpha 7, this is Alpha 1, how we looking Doc, can I increase speed?

:Alpha 1, this is Alpha 7, yes, all cannulas in place and fixed, get us there as fast as this bird will take us.

:Roger that, good copy, Alpha 7.

As soon as I push forward on the throttle my heart shudders in my chest. I hear a beep… then another… my own heart rate quickens at the sound.

:Alpha 7, this is Alpha 1, is that Lily’s beat? or is Blake in trouble.

:Alphaa 1, thiss is Alphaa 4, I’m gooood, Chieffff.

Blake says sounding a little drunk from such rapid loss of blood, which means it’s Lily’s heartbeat, YES! Fuck yes, she’s alive!

“Hooyahhhhh,” I give a long battle cry and feel tears spring to my eyes once again, “fuck yeah, Doc, you’re a legend!”

My own heartbeat is now thumping in my chest encouraging Lily’s to increase, and the biggest shit eating grin spreads across my face, my girl is such a little warrior.

:Alpha 1, this is Alpha 7, not so loud man, I need to concentrate here, our girls critical, how far out?

:Alpha 7, this is Alpha 1, five mikes, I can push it to full speed and get us there in three but she’s gonna be shaky.

:Alpha 1, this is Alpha 7, do it!! Radio ahead that we will need blood for both Lily and Blake, he is almost at limit. B-, I repeat B- for both, and if they can B- RhD- for Lily, if she’s pregnant she’ll need it, inform them that you have positive blood.

:Copy that, Alpha 7.

I radio Doc’s orders into the Critical Care Team at LHH and tell them we’re two mikes out but to stay behind doors till I give the all clear it’s safe, because I’m going to do a tailwheel first landing due to our speed and rapid decent. We usually do this a lot in combat not in civilian situations, but it’s the quickest way to descend and I need to get Lily on the roof as fast as possible.

:Alpha 7, this is Alpha 1, prepare to land tailwheel.

:Copy that, Alpha 1.

I see the helipad and almost upon it so I spin the Hawk’s ass around and thrust forward aligning with the horizon, and the Hawk goes into hover mode and starts descending.

:Alpha 1, to LHH, 1 mike to touchdown, be ready.

:Alpha 1, this is LHH we’re standing by.

Landing the bird smoothly, I start auto shutdown and move to the back to help Doc, we both remove our helmets and Doc removes Blake’s. I look at my strong girl as we prepare to lift her, my angel looks like a ghost she’s so pale, which means she’s lost a lot of blood, there has to be internal bleeding somewhere.

“Doc, do you have an idea of what is going on?” I ask above the rotor noise.

“Yeah, she’s got a pneumothorax and each lung has collapsed, but I managed to intubate before the right lung went. I’d say her liver or spleen has ruptured with the force of all the blows that prick inflicted.”

I growl and bare my teeth with the mention of Trickle beating on my girl. We all know the lingo we’ve worked together as a team for twelve years, ever since BUDs all of us in the team at one point or another should have died a hundred times over with all the injuries we’ve racked up.

“What if she’s pregnant Doc?” I say with panic evident in my voice as we raise Lily and transfer her off the bird.

“I’ve alerted the team, and we’ll take all the necessary precautions, I won’t be leaving Lily, I’ve requested, no demanded to be her surgeon and will do my best, brother.”

I nod and breathe a heavy exhale, “Save Lily, no matter what, she is your main priority but if you can save them both.”

“That’s my aim, Lily first and I’ll do my best at protecting a possible pregnancy. I got her man; you know I’ll do everything in my power to save her.”

If Doc can’t save her then no one can, my brother is a freakin’ genius surgeon, in all fields and I know my angel is in the best hands possible.