Our parents have all gushed and cooed over our boys and Alexa for being so brave and helping her mommy. And now it’s time to tell them the boys names, I perch my ass on the edge of the bed and wrap my arm around the top of Lily’s head.
“Do you want to tell them the names we picked, my beautiful wife.” I whisper as I kiss her forehead.
She smiles up at me radiating happiness, “You can, Handsome, you look so proud.”
“Okay, my beautiful wife.”
“So, baby A, was born first and we have decided we want to honor our family who have passed, we introduce you to Andrew Dennis Harrington. Andrew in memory of my brother and Lily’s father, and his middle name for you Dad, you have always been the backbone of our family and an amazing father, I hope I can be half the man you are, for my wife and children.”
I hear the choked sobs from our mom’s but I continue, “And introducing baby B, Xander John Harrington, who fought his way to try and beat his older brother out of the exit point, quite literally, his right arm was punching alongside his brothers head as Andrew was trying to exit.” Everyone laughs, because it’s been a long running bet on who is in first place and who will enter the world first. “Named after me which my beautiful wife requested and you Commander, you have taken Lily on as your own, and have always been like a second father to me throughout my career, and we wanted to honor you. We love you all.
“I need to cut in, Son,” Davies is serious, “We have unfinished business, you signed the certificate, yes, but you didn’t get to say; I, do. Or exchange the rings.”
We all laugh because none of our day went to plan, but it absolutely perfect for us. We do things at warp speed and that’ll never change.
“I’ll go round the boys and girls and we’ll get this show back on the road.” Betty announces as she powers out of the room.
The whole family is in the suite the women to Lily’s side and men on my side in our wedding party with Alexa and Eve standing either side of Commander at the foot of the bed.
My angel holding Xander and I have Andrew firmly in my arms.
“Do you, Alexander James Harrington, take Elizabeth Anne Harrington to be your beloved wife?”
“I do.” I say proudly.
“Do you, Elizabeth Anne Harrington take Alexander James Harrington to be your beloved husband?” Lily smiles radiantly at me and chuckles, “Hooyah.”
The whole room explodes with a resounding, ‘Hooyah.”
My wife making me the proudest man alive has come a long way since she first ever heard our battle cry, to now be using it herself is freakin’ awesome.
“Heaw Mommy, this is Daddy’s wing,” Alexa says kissing it before handing it to Lily.
“Heaw Daddy, Mommy’s wings, you needs both now, Auntie Lottie gave me the othaw one.” Alexa says kissing Lily’s rings and handing them to me.
I look to Charlotte and smile wide, “Is that what you’ve been doing? I wondered where the hell you were,” I question.
Charlotte laughs, “Yeah well I didn’t think the babies would be out that quick, I ducked back to the apartment and grabbed the other ring.”
“Thank you, Charlotte, I appreciate it.”
“Thank you, Lottie, sorry you missed the birth.” Lily whispers with tears flowing.
“Manhattan traffic is a bitch Lils, I’m just glad the bugs are out and everyone is safe and healthy. I love you Lils with every inch of my heart.”
“I love you to Lottie, forever more.”
I gently slide my wife’s engagement ring and slide her wedding band onto her ring finger and kiss her ring, then slide her engagement ring back on and follow it with her eternity ring. And kiss her rings as a whole.
Lily takes my left hand and slides my wedding band onto my ring finger and kisses it firmly in place.
“I love the angel wings, handsome.” Lily whispers looking at both our rings.
“I can’t take credit for that, my love, that was all Mrs. Kim, she really is brilliant at what she does, but they are perfect for us. I love you, Angel, mine.”
“They are perfect for us my amazing husband. I love you, Handsome.”
I stare into my wife’s beautiful blue eyes, and see peace, love and happiness shining brightly and I will cherish my angel, for all of my days. What Lily has brought into mine and Alexa’s lives is such profound love and I’m grateful that I have found my one, my forever love.