Tiny senses the time to tell Eve has come and picks up a chair and steps over to Caroline and sits down next to her, enveloping her hand in his for support.
“Eve, what were you told about your mommy?” Tiny asks softly.
Eve’s face saddens, “She died when she was having me.”
Caroline gasps and a sob escapes her at hearing this news and it breaks my heart. Eve looks at Caroline with a worried look on her little face.
“Sweetheart, your daddy was wrong, you do have a Mommy.” Tiny says soothingly.
Eve’s eyes widen at the same time Alexa gasps and wraps her arms around Eve for comfort.
“You do have a Mommy, Evie, yaw lucky too.”
“Where is my mommy, how do I find her?” Eve cries.
“I’m your mommy, sweetie,” Caroline smiles, “can I give you a cuddle?”
“Oh wow, say yes, Evie, Aunty Cawo is weally nice and gives good cuddles,” Alexa chimes in reassuringly having Eve’s back.
Eve nods and Caroline reaches her arms out for Eve to take comfort in her offered arms, and it doesn’t take her long. Eve climbs onto her mommy’s lap and Caro instantly wraps her arms around Eve holding her tightly to her chest. Their embrace seems to suspend time, as the rest of us watch, feeling the weight of this special moment. As Caroline and Eve pull apart, their eyes meet, and for a moment, the rest of the world fades away.
“Are you really my mommy?” Eve whispers.
Caroline smiles warmly, “I am baby, I’d like to get to know you if you’ll let me.”
“Yes, please, I always wanted a Mommy, c-can I live w-with you?”
Caroline stiffens and looks to me and Alexander with worry etched on her face, wondering what to say.
“Doc, what if Caroline and Eve move into the spare apartment?” Alexander questions, asking more than what he’s saying. I tilt my head back to look up at his handsome face in awe and love, so much love because this man, my man, he never ceases to amaze me.
Doc smiles, “I think that would be a brilliant idea, we’re all available to help and I can be of assistance.”
I turn to look back at Caroline and her eyes fill with tears as she looks at Alexander and I mouthing a ‘thank you’.
“Thank you, Handsome.” I whisper and Alexander leans his head down and kisses my forehead.
Caroline turns back to Eve and nods, “Yes, baby girl, I would love to have you live with me.”
Eve starts crying and hugs into Caroline’s chest and buries her head.
“So, does that mean Evie is family?” Alexa asks with a curious expression.
“Yes, Lovebug, Eve is your cousin my little love.” I say to her.
“Hooyah!” Alexa cries bouncing on her knees and clapping her little hands.
“Hooyah!” We all reply as one.
Caroline and Eve jump a little look around seeing it’s a happy response. I stand here observing silently, and I can’t help but feel a surge of warmth filling my heart. In this exact moment, there is an extraordinary depth of emotion being here, witnessing a mother and child be united for the first time. It is a moment I’m sure we will all remember for the rest of our lives.
We introduce Caroline officially to the rest of the team who she hasn’t met since our rescue, and I watch as she takes in all these people that are welcoming her into the fold and It’s a beautiful site.
Alexa raise her hands to be picked up but I point to the chair because lifting Alexa isn’t doable at this point in my pregnancy. I sit down and Alexa climbs straight onto my lap and wraps herself around my belly and starts stroking her brothers.
“We haves a cousin, boys, she’s a nice girl, she has blonde haiw and blue eyes just like ouw mommy and Aunty Cawo. And guess what, she had nevaw seen a movie and I gots to show hew me and Mommy’s favowite movie.”
Alexa kisses my tummy and raises her face to look at me, “Can Evie have a sleepova Mommy I’d likes to show hew my woom and all my books, I was telling hew about all my things, can we gets Evie some pwetty things too?”