Page 7 of Alexander's Heart



Isit next to Alexa and watch her sleep, she doesn’t look at peace though and that worries me, I never want my little girl to worry that’s my job. She should be dreaming of days in the park spent reading under a tree in her Mommy’s arms, exploring all kinds of magical worlds, not being in car accidents, and in the hospital with her little body bruised.

Charlie Chief steps into the room, “Turn your Comms on Chief, Doc wants you.”

I do as he instructs, and hear, beeping and movement echo through my head.

:Alpha 7, this is Alpha 1, what’s the latest, is Lily, okay?”

:Alpha 1, this is Alpha 7, Lily is holding on. We got her back and her vitals are stable right now, I still need to repair her liver but I have some news that you’ll want to hear.

:Alpha 7, this Alpha 1, Great work, Doc, you are a legend. What’s the news?

:Lily’s pregnant.

Doc states, all formality gone.

My heart skips a beat, but before I get excited, I need to know if the baby is okay.

:Doc, is the baby, okay?

:We haven’t done an in depth ultrasound as yet; Lily’s injuries need to be addressed first but the bloods came back positive and with a high reading.

:Doc, when will you know if the baby is, okay? Lily is priority you know this, but if you can save them both, do it.

:I’ll wait till she’s in recovery and we’ll do an in-depth scan then so you can be there.

:Doc, how likely is it?

I shouldn’t be asking I know, he’s trying to save Lily’s life, but I need something. I can hear my own voice filled with worry but full of hope.

:A fetus this early in pregnancy is well cushioned in the womb, as long as there’s no further complications or another bleed, I’m hoping for a good outcome.

I breathe out a long exhale, I’m happy, sad, hopeful, and scared shitless.

:Do everything you fucking can brother, and thank you Doc.

:Congratulations, Daddy. I gotta go, we’ll be in here a couple of hours, get some rest man, I’ll let Charlie Chief know as soon as she’s being wheeled to recovery, turn your Comms off.

I do as Doc says, then look up at Davies, and see he has a small smile on his face, he heard the one sided conversation, but keeps his eyes closed.

“That’s good news, Chief, I can rest now.”

Alexa groans in her sleep then startles awake, she looks worried but also like she’s in pain her face is taught like she’s trying to hold it back.

“Is Mommy, okay?” She asks on a breathy sound.

I wrap my arms gently around her and move her to my chest and tell her, “Mommy is fighting hard, and Doc said it looks like she will be okay, he still has work to do but is more confident now.”

Alexa pulls back from my hold and winces when she grabs my face in her little hands, she lets out a heavy sob, tears streaming down her bruised face.

“I knowed Mommy will be okays, Uncwle Doc wiww fix hew, Daddy. Can I have some medichin, my chwest is huwting more, I’s don’t feel good.”

I reach across to the back wall and press the buzzer, I lower Alexa’s hands gently so as not to move her suddenly.

“Can I have a look at your chest, Princess?”