I nod and smile, “What are your questions Dr. Langley?”
“Just Sarah, Lily, please.”
I smile because she makes me feel comfortable and I get a good feeling from her, “Okay, thank you Sarah, what are you needing answers to?”
“Okay, so I need to know if you’re on your feet all day or do you have periods of rest? Are you still sexually active? And does your partner have a generous sized penis?”
I blush instantly, then giggle like a schoolgirl.
“Those questions are definitely not what I was expecting,” I blurt out.
Sarah smiles, “I know, but also very important.”
“Yes, I’m on my feet most of the day, yesterday and today was more than normal without rest because I was in the kitchen baking up a storm. Alexander and I are frequently sexually active, and Alexander is my first so I’m really not sure on size, to me he is large.” I say unsure.
“Do you feel quite stretched and does he hit the end or you don’t feel him hit the end? And do you feel lots of pressure when he’s inside?”
I nod and smile, “Yes, very stretched but I was a virgin up until a couple of months ago and yes, Alexander definitely hits the end and can only seat himself fully in certain positions, but he has been holding back on full penetration under Doc’s orders.”
Sarah nods, “Thank you for that, I know they are intrusive questions but it’s important to get the full picture, Being thirty-two weeks pregnant with twins is a lot harder on a woman’s body and your pregnancy had a traumatic start. So, from now until delivery I’m advising you rest more, I don’t want you on your feet longer than two hours before you take a decent break, a good rule to try and adhere to, is two on, one off.”
I nod, “Yes, okay I will be much more mindful from now on.”
Sarah smiles, “Penetrative sex is off the table till six weeks after your delivery and you’ve been cleared to do so, and if you’re someone who orgasms quite strongly then I’m saying no to receiving pleasure in any other form, sometimes an orgasm can bring on contractions and early labor.
I know my eyes are wide open, how am I going to last that long, holy shit.
“I’m someone who has intense orgasms I think, I squirt, well flood and sometimes fade out through orgasm when really powerful.”
Sarah smiles and nods, “You’re definitely banned from any form of physical pleasure and that applies to any nipple stimulation also. You’re a lucky woman, but unfortunately, we need to keep your babies inside as long as we can and with twins everything is amplified. I know your hormones are pinging off the walls but this is really important and Doc will agree with me, you will also have an early labor because your cervix is ripening and I’m going estimate about in two to four weeks, I’ll speak to Doc because we will need to give you steroid injections to help strengthen the babies lungs.”
I nod, “I understand, babies do come first, I’m not going to lie this will be hard for me but I’ll do as I’m instructed. And I thought I’d go early especially being twins but my belly is so tight, how soon can I go home?”
“I’m going to keep you in overnight just to be safe and monitor you with the CTG, your contractions have eased since you first presented and we’re just getting your suite ready now. I know that Alexa will sleep wrapped around you so we’re adding a larger bed and moving the regular bed near the window for Davies.”
I chuckle, “Thank you, I suppose it’s well known around the hospital.”
“It is,” Sarah chuckles, “but I was also your secondary doctor when Doc needed sleep, trust me it wasn’t often but I’m well aware of your family dynamic.”
“Thank you, Sarah, I really appreciate your help.”
Sarah smiles before leaving and I put my hands on my swollen belly and thank all that’s holy that my babies are safe and staying put for now. I have my wedding in three weeks, the house is almost complete, it’s only the final little touches inside that need completing and will more than likely be done. Alexander has added more crews so the build is flying along, when my man says he’ll get something done he gets it done. My bugs need to remain in place just a little longer and really hope this spin up is over with quickly so I can have my man home, and in my arms.
There’s nothing like standing in a cemetery in the dead of night waiting for the green light to move, some would say that’s an omen, to me it’s a reminder to be patient and value the life we’re given.
Last night we hung back and watched Jackson and Cuddy move in to clear the HME which is always a high-stakes operation. The pair moved meticulously, utilizing our specialized equipment and techniques they’ve spent years developing to detect and neutralize the HME. I’m proud of my men, the precision and experience they have to carefully dismantle the explosive materials, ensuring the safety of themselves and the rest of the team is fucking awesome.
It’s been a long twenty-four hours of recon, even though we’ve seen no movement, Jackson and Cuddy are sweeping the area before we move in, with every step they make we wait, watching every deliberate, calculated step until they precisely execute any risk to keep us safe and undetected, we’re banking on the element of surprise.
:Joint Comms, all clear, move in, green light, green light.
The rest of us move forward slow and deliberate in following the path they took.
We enter the mausoleum and can see the well, we made a plan of approach today and know our plan of attack. Lowering down into a well to access tunnels is no easy feat, it adds another layer of complexity to our mission but this is not our first rodeo, in Afghanistan we had to do this shit often. Jackson and Cuddy have quickly assessed and secured the area, ensuring it’s safe for our descent while we stand guard.