I nod and we start moving toward the elevator just as Alexa comes flying out of her room with her shoes on and her sparkly red book bag in hand.
“Ready Granny Mae, she races forward and the doors to the elevator open automatically and we step inside just as another contraction hits. Betty takes me under the armpits again and takes my weight.
“Ow, ow, ow… this can’t be happening.”
Tears are now streaming down my face and I’m shaking from the pain, I don’t want my babies born this early and without Alexander here.
“You’re doing well, Elizabeth, just breathe through the pain.” Betty using my real name shows me that this is serious and I’m to listen.
The elevator doors open into the garage and Dad is standing there waiting for us, his eyes going wide when he sees me.
“Lily, I’m going to scoop you up now, you wrap your arms around my neck and hold on.”
“No, Dad, I’m too heavy, you’re still recovering,” I cry.
“Sweet girl, I have been training hard and if I can carry a grown man and a seventy pound kit on my back, I sure as shit can pick you up, got it.” Dad brooks no room for argument, I guess he’s been training a lot more than I’ve seen.
“Okay,” I whisper.
Dad scoops me under the knees and I wrap my arms around his neck, I must admit he did it with ease and Betty opens the front door and moves the seat all the way back so there is room for me to be comfortable. Once I’m settled and Alexa is buckled into her safety seat Betty slinks into the small space behind my seat and slides to the middle.
‘Call Charlotte’s Cell’ Dad speaks and the call connects.
‘Davies,’ Lottie’s voice comes through the surrounding speakers.
‘You need to meet us at LHH, Lily’s having contractions.’ Dad informs her in his no nonsense manner.
‘Shit, it’s too soon. Okay, meet you there.’ Her reply is just as no nonsense in return.
Another contraction hits and I feel like I’m going to be sick, oh, no.
“Sick, need a bag.”
Betty passes me a sick bag from I don’t know where but I’m thankful to have something to vomit into, my cup of tea gets ejected violently and the fact that I’m now vomiting has me seriously worried.
“Find Alexander, you have to get him here, I won’t do this without him.”
“I’m trying, Lily and so is Command, if I have to drive there myself I will but you need to relax sweet girl.”
“Is Alexander state side?” I question.
“Yeah, they are Lily, and I will go get him if I need to, but just breathe.” Dad says trying to calm my worry. I do not want to have our babies without him, I want us to both enjoy this experience and welcome our babies into this world together as a family.
My eyes start to have spots passing my vision and I vomit again when the next contraction squeezes my stomach, hard, and can feel my babies wiggling against the contraction, I don’t think they’re ready to exit either. I feel faint, the darkness taking hold and the last thing I hear is Betty telling Dad to step on it.
I wake in a hospital bed with my legs up in stirrups and can feel someone between my legs.
“Am I in labor?” I ask, panic evident in my voice.
A red headed woman pops her head up above the sheet and smiles, “No, Lily, you’re not but you are having really strong Braxton Hicks contractions.”
I breathe a heavy sigh of relief and the woman stands and comes round to my side and helps me to lower my legs and cover me up.
“Hi, Lily, I’m Dr. Sarah Langley and I was in the operating room with Doc when he saved your life it’s nice to finally meet you officially and see you looking so well.” She smiles warmly, and it makes her bright blue eyes sparkle.
“Thank you, and nice to meet you too, and for assisting Doc,” I smile.
“So, I have a few rather personal questions, but they are important and you need to be honest, okay.”