‘Hooyah!’ We all shout.
“Betty, I’m gonna marry you sweet cheeks, I’m comin’ home for ya.” Jackson hollers.
“Boy, you couldn’t keep up with me, get away with ya. Now go get that fucking piece of shit, and I want to join you when you get back, you hear me, Harrington.”
I shake my head because as sweet as Betty is, she’s also deadly, “I hear you, Betty, you keep my girls and Commander safe and we’ll be home shortly.”
“Will do, now give a good couple taps on my ol’ girls dash and you’ll be all set, have fun boys! Come. Home. Safe.”
We pile into the Landy and I crank the tank, giving the ol’ girl a couple of taps and throw her into gear, fuck!
“Woah, Betty’s got this engine cranked,” I say laughing as the ol’ war machine flies down the road with just a gentle tap on the accelerator.
“Fuck yeah, I fuckin’ love Betty, I’m drivin’ on the way back,” Jackson yells.
We all flip our gazes to him and he laughs hard, “What, I swear if she was thirty years younger, I would have beat all your asses to have Betty notice me. That lady has spunk and she really is a cracker of a bird.”
We all laugh but somehow, I think Jackson would have done exactly that. The grandmother’s family home ‘Helmsley Estate’ is coming up in a about five mikes, and we’re going to foot it in from the corner backside of the property, the old cemetery is about half a mile East through rough terrain. When Reid had the drone fly over this afternoon it looked abandoned, I really fucking hope Trickle is telling us the truth. I want these fuckers removed from this earth and for Lily to be able to live freely and in peace, to go where she wants when she wants to, not having to have a detail on her at all times. I know she wants to drive, she said she misses driving when she asked if she could have a white Beast which is ordered and, on its way, with three child safety seats that are being custom built. I pull up in our designated point, a fork in the road on an old dirt track and we all jump out.
Tonight, we’re getting into position closer to the graveyard and will do reconnaissance, and if we don’t see Rob coming or going tomorrow night we’ll be going in. We always work under the cover of darkness where possible.
“Ready, Boys? Night vision on.”
“Comms on.”
:Joint Comms, this Alpha 1, just remember boys, ‘Slow is fast, and fast is smooth’ Reid you got satellite imagery?
:Joint Comms, this is Alpha 3, clear vision, green light, green light.
:Joint Comms, this Alpha 1, let’s find this fucker.
:Joint Comms, Hooyah, Chief!
It’s freakin’ pitch black out here, so no matter what, it will be slow going because the rocky ground is slippery as fuck. We’re used to this type of terrain and love an adventure, this to us is fun and each and every one of my brothers wants sweet revenge.
:Joint Comms, this Alpha 3, hold up, hold up.
:Joint Comms, this Alpha 1, what you got Reid?
:Joint Comms, this Alpha 3, tripwire 2 o’clock, keep your eyes peeled and be alert.
:Joint Comms, this Alpha 1, good pick up Reid, you heard him, eyes alert.
If this asshole has tripwires, it makes me think he may just have HME’s - Homemade Explosive, they can be fucking worse than professionally built, or from people who actually know what the fuck they’re doing, they’re generally much more volatile and I doubt this fuck has a damn clue, probably googled the shit.
:Joint Comms, this is Alpha 1, Jackson, keep a look out for any heat signatures, I don’t trust that this fucker hasn’t made his own HME’s.
:Joint Comms, this is Alpha 5, I have thermals running, Chief, I’ll move to the front.
:Joint Comms, this is Alpha 1, copy that.
We’ve slowed our pace and constantly scanning the area, keeping on high alert. I see what appears to be the graveyard coming up on our left when Jackson throws up his fist to stop us.
:Joint Comms, this is Alpha 5, there is a strong heat signature coming from the middle of the graveyard, hang back. Alpha 2, come with me.