Page 5 of Alexander's Heart

I hold Alexa close to my chest and just keep breathing her in.

“Youw smewwing me again, Daddy?” Alexa says with a giggle.

Davies uses the remote to raise the bed so he’s sitting taller, and I can see the toll it’s taking on his body, but he is a SEAL, once a SEAL, always a SEAL and he won’t let it stop him.

“I am Princess, I missed you so much while I was away.”

Alexa sighs, “I mished you too Daddy, whewa’s Mommy?”

And then whispers with conviction.

“I hopes you made him huwt, Daddy.”

I look over at Davies and he is pissed, I know that if he could move off the bed he would. The left side of his face is dark blue and the right side is not much better, his head is swollen, and left eye is closed shut and the right barely open.

The whole left side of his head is shaved, and he has a zipper of stitches from his temple, running over his ear travelling back around his skull. Fuck me, he must have hit the side window of the Beast hard, doesn’t help that it had reinforced glass. Seeing my mentor in a hospital bed is not something you ever want to see and is damn fucking hard.

I pull Alexa back from my chest and take her in, she’s wearing a hospital gown with fatigue patterns. Trust my little girl to want to be dressed for battle, she has moderate facial bruising, and her left eye is black but otherwise she looks okay.

“Princess, Mommy is in surgery like Pa was, she is hurt pretty badly, but Mommy is strong like you and Pa, she will fight hard.”

Alexa’s bottom lip trembles and tears start falling from her eyes, “Wiww Mommy be, okay?”

I look to Davies and his shoulders stiffen waiting on my reply.

“Uncle Doc is with Mommy and doing his best to fix her, we need to be patient and think happy thoughts, that’s what Mommy needs, she needs our happy, healing thoughts.”

Alexa lets out a sob, and curls into my chest and cries, and all I can do is hold her and let her feel what she needs to feel. I’m not going to promise her that Lily will be okay, because lying to a child is never a good idea. You just don’t do that shit.

“Did you get the a-hole?” Davies ask on a low growl and I nod with acknowledgement, while rocking Alexa and kissing her soft curls.

“Cuddy, Reid, Jackson, Tiny, and Betty are with him and... Caroline.”

Davies head jerks and I nod.

“What the? Okay, and Betty?”

I give a little chuckle at that because, Davies seems surprised.

“Dear ol’ Betty’s one in a million Commander, she’s going to give Trickle all types of heat, you have no idea.”

Alexa raises her tear-soaked face to me, “Daddy I’s wants to dwaw a pictuaw of Mommy and me at da pawk, to makes hew feels bettaw.”

I smile as I stand and carry her over to her bed which is beside Davies, “You okay, if I set you up here and you can draw Mommy some happy pictures? Daddy needs to talk to Pa.”

“Yesh Daddy, I knowed you do. I’s be okay, can you pass me the pods pwease.”

I see the iPods on the side table and set Alexa up with her paper, pencils and kiss her on the forehead.

“I love you Alexa, I’m so glad you are okay my sweet girl.”

Alexa whispers, “I wuvs you twoo, Daddy. Wait tiww you see my chwest Daddy, I’s have a big X mawk da spot. I’s soaw but medichin hewps me.”

“I will have a look at your war wounds soon, Princess.” I say kissing her on her forehead once again while placing the pods in her little ears. I stand and take her in, Alexa looks up and gives me a little smile and shoos me away, she amazes me every single day with how she rolls with the punches, I just have to believe the final blow never comes.

I walk over and sit next to Davies, and he starts rapid firing questions.

“What the fuck has happened to my sweet girl? How bad is she? Where is Blake? And... Caroline? I thought she died?”