Page 4 of Alexander's Heart

I turn and stop outside the room and the woman stops beside me, “I am Ethan Blake’s, boss and Chief, trust me when I say; that to get him to comply with your needs what I said to him was the best approach and you need to use it to keep him in bed. My men are all trained to fight till the end, and he will fight you on it, you say whatever you need to, to get him back in condition but also know he will do what’s best for our team and family, we look after our own.”

The woman smiles, “Understood, I’m Doctor Kapor, now is there any allergies or conditions we should know about with Mr. Blake?”

“Apart from a multitude of rods and pins throughout his body, Blake has no other issues. Doc, our team medic and surgeon is in surgery working on my fiancée Lily, and has all our history, If I’m unavailable you call Mike Reid, do you have a pen and paper?”

“Yes,” Doctor Kapor says handing me her notepad and pen, I write down Reid’s cell number, and hand it back.

“If you need any further medical information please contact Reid, he has access to our files.”

“Will do, thank you, Sir.” She says nodding while putting the pad and pen back in her pocket.

“Call me Chief or Mr. Harrington.” As soon as I say my last name her eyes widen.

I look around for a sign and decide it’s easier to ask, “Do you happen to know where I can find my daughter, Alexa Harrington, she is here and so is Commander John Davies.”

“Your daughter, and Commander Davies are in a shared suite on level seven, room one. When you exit the elevator turn right.”

“Thank you, when Blake has leveled out after his transfusion direct him to the suite, and don’t take any of his shit.” I say stern nod and turn away to go find my princess and Commander.



As soon as the elevator doors open on level seven, instantly I see that directions weren’t necessary, it looks like a JSOC meeting just let out. Charlie team are littered through the upscale corridor, looking so out of place wearing their combat fatigues, I greet each of them and offer my thanks and as I approach the door, I can hear Alexa giggling, the sound instantly flooding my cold chest with warmth and the feeling of hope.

Charlie Team Chief claps me on the back, “Can you send two men up to the Hawk and have them pick up the rest of my team?”

“Already sent two men up, Chief. I’m all over it, they are coordinating with Reid on location, I’m also coordinating with Delta. All you need to worry about is your family, Go be with your girl.” he says.

“Thanks, Chief, I appreciate it.”

“Your little girl, Alexa, is going to be the next drill instructor at BUDs dude, that little spitfire has my boys at her beck and call, it’s quite impressive.”

I laugh, because I know this to be one hundred percent true, my princess is my carbon copy and I’m so fucking proud she calls me Dad.

“Daddy, Daddy, yoaw heaw!” Alexa shouts excitedly, and Charlie Chief lets out a belly laugh and steps out of the way.

I walk in and see Alexa sitting on the edge of Davies bed, with a litter of books spread over his blankets.

“Hi, Princess, how are you feeling?” I ask.

Lottie is curled up asleep in the reclining chair near Alexa’s empty bed, curls wild and mouth hanging open.

“I’s good Daddy, better than Pa. I’s weading him stowies to makes him feels bettaw.” She says with a small smile.

“I see.”

“Whewa’s Mommy? Did you gets da bad man?” Alexa asks as she tries to move off the bed but winces when she moves suddenly, and I move fast to get to her.

“Princess, I got you.” I say scooping her into my arms and cradling her to my chest, and just breathe in her goodness.

“Youw smewwing me again.” Alexa notes.

“I am my love; you smell like home.” I whisper.

“Lily good?” Davies asks concerned, he knows my mannerisms and knows something is seriously wrong and tries to sit up straighter, fuck me, he looks like hell in a hand basket, but the ol’ man is still giving it his all.

“Let me grab a chair,” I say as I kiss Alexa on the forehead and walk to the other side of Davies bed to take a seat.