Page 13 of Alexander's Heart

“Can I give you a hug Janelle?” Doc asks.

“You may, I haven’t felt touch for a long time.”

Doc leans in and gives her a hug, “I’m going to work out what’s wrong and we’ll make a plan to do exactly that, get you living your life again, walking in the garden outside sounds like a good first goal, if you promise to work with me, I’ll promise to make that happen. Deal?”

“Deal, I like you young man, what is your name?”

“I’m, Doc, and I’ll be your treating doctor from now on, and this big guy here, is Alexander.”

“It’s nice to meet you both and thank you so much for helping my Caroline and me.”

I soften when I speak this time, “You’re safe here, and you will be looked after, is there anything else you want or need?”

“Is it possible to have some wool and crochet hooks? The last place wouldn’t allow that, but I miss making outfits for babies and stuffed bears and animals for the sick kids. It kept my hands busy; I’ve missed that.”

I look to Doc and he nods his head.

“I think we can arrange that; do you need any books for like patterns and stuff?”

Janelle smiles wide, and when she does, I see my Lily shine through, it’s not easy knowing what went on in their past but I need to keep an open mind and treat Janelle with respect.

“No, thank you, the patterns are all up here,” Janelle taps her head, indicating her memory.

“I’ll have some supplies delivered to you by the end of the day, what I need for you to do is settle in, and be honest with Doc. We need to get going now but we’ll be by tomorrow.”

“Thank you, Alexander and you too Doc, for everything.”

I nod and stand, and Doc follows suit, “You’re welcome.”

“I’ll be by in the morning Ms. Saunders and we’ll run some tests and work out the best treatment plan for you.”

“Will I be out of it again, and not be able to speak, because I don’t want that, I don’t want to be angry anymore.”

Doc touches Janelle’s shoulder before telling her that she won’t be in that state again. We both walk out and stop outside her door.

“She’s in there isn’t she, Doc.”

“Yeah man, she is. I can almost guarantee that Janelle is not a violent person by nature, and we’ll have no trouble from her. It’s just going to take time to work out a balance of finding the right medication as we bring her off all the shit she’s been given over the years, hopefully we can get rid of all meds all together.”

“You really think she’s been drugged, don’t you?”

“Yes, I’m almost one hundred percent positive. I will run the necessary tests and work closely with the psychologist but I do think Janelle is in there, she seems better than yesterday and I see her with no inkling of violence. Again, it’s a time and therapy thing.”

“Good, okay, I want to check in on Alexa and Davies before the team arrives.” I say as we start heading in their direction.

“Me too, I want to do my own checks on the both of them for peace of mind.”

We step into Alexa and Davies suite and I see Charlotte in the corner, “Charlotte, why don’t you go grab something to eat and take a break, I know it’s not easy sitting for hours on end but I do thank you.”

“I wouldn’t be anywhere else, Harrington. How’s our Lily doing?”

“She made it through surgery and is stable, they have her set up in the room next to this one. Go grab a coffee and some food and then stop in to see her, you need to be prepared for what you will see, take the break first.”

“Yes, I need some fuel, I’ve been beside Lily before, and hoped I’d never have to see her like this again but let’s hope this is the last fucking time.”

A tear escapes Charlottes eye and I nod and leave her to compose herself, I know Charlotte wouldn’t welcome any comfort, she’s a prideful woman and deserves the respect.

Doc is checking over Alexa’s injuries while she’s sleeping and when he starts palpitating her chest she winces and starts to stir.