The vampire queen needed a hub of organization that belonged to her people and provided a place for others to negotiate with vampires. For all that her life revolved around Therians, Ash had to secure the vampires’ place in the hierarchy of powerful sentient species on Earth.
“You’re right,” she told Zia. “I have every intention of merging vampire interests with those of the Therians, but sometimes I don’t want or need to involve them. I have to establish a large and small council, too. Even though this has to be a dictatorship, I welcome and value the advice of people I trust.
“Vampires need a place of power, and it must be far removed from the taint of Nadya’s dark influence. A place that represents light in the darkness but is safe for those who can’t tolerate the sun yet. Most of Nadya’s children were hand-picked for their evil tendencies, so I don’t have a lot of hope where they’re concerned. However, I won’t have our stronghold only serve some of our people. I like the dichotomy of a bright and airy structure full of natural light on the surface and a lightproof underground fortress several levels deep. I’d also like to delve into the science of what our blood can do without all the mad scientist shit Nadya pulled. It’s a massive undertaking, and I don’t have that kind of money.”
Zia laughed and looked at Ash as if she were missing something obvious. “Nadya was fucking loaded, Your Majesty. She was older than money.”
Ash stiffened at the title but knew it was a losing battle, so she focused on the interesting part of Zia’s statement. “Okay. How do we find her accountant?”
Zia grimaced. “I don’t have a clue, but maybe one of them does.”
Ash turned to the room, which was packed with nervous vampires waiting for something to happen. “Who has knowledge of Nadya’s finances or the whereabouts of her inner circle and whatever plans she had in place before the battle?”
A dozen vampires raised their hands. Ash had memorized their names and faces when they spoke in the cells, and she called them forward one at a time to share what they knew. The first few only had vague information about the banks Nadya frequented or who they thought was important in Nadya’s organization. Ash heard the name Jean-Pierre several times and made a note to seek the man out as soon as possible.
All the recruits had been held in a barracks at Nadya’s compound and spoke of a half-blood Therian named Maksim she’d paraded around with, pretending to be a gentle-natured vampire in love with him. None knew the details of her plan, but they all figured it involved turning the man. They had heard rumors that his Therian half was dragon.
Great, yet another unknown. Nadya said his name when she died. I wonder if she loved him. Doubtful.
The most useful information she’d gathered in the interviews was the location of Nadya’s stronghold, and Ash couldn’t think of a better place to start. She should find the resources she needed, or at the very least, clues on where to look next and whatever vampires Nadya had left behind in the battle. It seemed to Ash that Nadya had abandoned her night-bound children when she developed the ability to turn daywalkers.
“Our next step is to make a move on whoever’s left at the stronghold. I won’t force anyone to go with me, but I will accept volunteers and would welcome anyone with previous experience at the facility. I aim to recruit as many as possible, but I don't expect a friendly welcome since we will go in with Therians at our side. Anyone who didn’t want to be there may have already fled.”
Speaking to Zia, she continued. “We need a show of force, so please assemble those Therians who wish to accompany us. Euan Frazier is a good resource. He’s the most outspoken about his willingness to help handle vampire affairs, and he might have some insight on who is best suited to join us.”
Zia nodded, making notes as the queen spoke. “I’m on it. Where will we put all these people in the meantime? I wasn’t expecting this many on the first attempt.”
“My next stop is to ask Luca if there is a space we can use until I can establish a base of operations.”
“We don’t need a lot, Your Majesty,” one of the new recruits, Bill, stated with a Southern twang that stood out among the European accents common in this group. When Nadya turned him, the Tennessee man had been in the country for a business trip.
“All we had at the compound was a pole barn stuffed with bunk beds. Since we don’t need much rest, we can do it in shifts and make do with a smaller space if necessary. It’s just…is there a phone I can use, ma’am? If you let me speak with my wife and kids, I will do anything you ask. I’ve been missing for weeks, and they must think I’m dead.” He laughed bitterly and looked at the pale people around him. “Well, I am dead, but like you said, it didn’t stick.”
Ash looked surprised. “You heard that?”
Bill nodded. His American accent reminded Ash of home. “Yes, ma’am, I did. I reckon you didn’t count on that magic reaching here, but it went to every ear in the palace. We all heard. I was on your side long before you walked into that cell.”
Ash nodded at Zia, who pulled a cell phone out of her pocket and tossed it to Bill. He grinned in delight and started dialing, looking for a quiet corner to speak to his loved ones. Ash glanced at the others.
“Does anyone else need to let your families know what happened? The secret is out, so you don’t have to hide what you are, but I’m afraid I can’t let you go home until I’m certain you can control yourselves. It will be a process, but I plan to create a vampire stronghold with a visitors’ center that allows you to see your human loved ones in a safe environment where you won’t lose control. Eventually, I would like a property with apartments so you can live with your human families while keeping the protection and resources I will provide.”
Many in the group looked relieved, and fifty raised their hands.
“I’m going to secure some space for us, and I will send someone with phones so you can make those calls. Sit tight. I know it’s not ideal to get conscripted into yet another vampire army you didn’t sign up for, but unlike Nadya, I take care of my people, and you are all mine now.
“Mother, queen, head bitch in charge. I don’t care what you call me, but I am now the ultimate vampire authority. From this point on, I declare that our nature doesn’t mean we need to be the nightmare creatures that Nadya intended. It’s a new day for vampires and a new night for everyone.”
She left behind a room full of excited vampires. Ash tapped into the mating bond and followed it to the war room, where she found Luca with his small council. She asked a guard to announce her, but he just opened the door and waved her in without a word.
She was surprised. “Uh, thank you.”
“The king said you are to be admitted without question or delay, Your Highness.” The guard smiled at his soon-to-be queen.
Ash returned his smile and faced her mate. He looked up from the map he was studying with Ivanna and Niletean. “Is everything okay?” Luca asked, concerned.
Her smile grew wider. “Everything is wonderful. We converted eighty-five of the day walkers and gathered some intel, but I’m facing some logistics issues.”
Luca stepped around the table to take Ash in his arms and kiss her forehead before looking at her with a smile. “That’s great news. What do you need?”