The image on the camera changed to Maksim, and Ash’s blood went cold at the carnage on the wall of video screens behind him.

“This message is for the false queen who thinks to claim leadership of the great vampire race. You are nothing. You have no control, and we will not be restricted by your asinine demands for civilization. The Therian empire has oppressed vampires for far too long, and it will not continue. We have taken Nome, Alaska, and the surrounding villages. The humans are all dead, and I claim this land for the vampires.

“We will not be subjugated by pathetic mortals who cannot stand against us. I have thrown down the gauntlet, and I challenge you, Ashlynn Mosier, for the right to lead the vampires. Come out of your fortress and face me. You will burn for killing Nadya, and the world will see your weakness.”

The newscaster again cautioned viewers that the footage that followed was disturbing and unsuitable for young viewers before showing video clips from Maksim’s team leaders. Ash felt sick and had to turn it off. Her eyes shimmered with tears, and guilt threatened to crush her. “This is my fault.”

“It absolutely is not,” Luca stated. “Maksim and Jules are ruthless murderers who want to put on a good show for the world. He wants you to rush in and get caught in whatever trap he’s set.”

Before she could respond, Viktorija burst into the dining room. “Have you seen this?” she demanded.

Ash nodded silently, looking ill. “Maksim and Jules were suspiciously quiet. Now we know why.”

“Jules,” Viktorija growled. “I’ll turn his balls into a pair of slippers.”

Ash chuckled. “That is brutal and gross.”

Viktorija frowned. “We need to know what kind of trap that little coward has set. He’s pathetic alone, but he could put up a decent fight with Maksim by his side. Oh, and Zia said the Horsemen returned with the vamps Jules captured using the V-collars. Your new captives taught us how to remove them without damage.”

Ash gave a small smile. “That’s great news. I need to gather the others. Hopefully, Maerlin or Eiko will know how to determine what we’re up against before we arrive. There’s no question that we will respond, even if that gives Jules and Maksim what they want. We can’t let this go unanswered.”

“No, we can’t,” Luca agreed. “The humans will want to play a part, too. Attacks on American soil never work out well for the perpetrators.”

Viktorija brightened, eager to engage in a task she could easily accomplish. “Stay here. I’ll round up the inner circle, and we can start strategizing.”

When she and Luca were alone again, Ash buried her face in her hands and gave herself a moment to feel heartbreak for all the innocent lives her enemies had taken. Those deaths would stay with her for a long time, but she didn’t have the luxury of wallowing in self-pity.

Then she straightened in her chair. “I suppose you need to get the council together and talk about how this impacts Therians.”

Luca nodded. “That’s one of the first things, but it can wait a few minutes. How are you handling this?”

“It’s a lot to take in, and I’m not sure I’ll ever get used to being responsible for so many people…and their fucking deplorable actions.”

His smile was full of pride. “You are doing a damned fine job from where I’m sitting.”

Ash let his smile soothe her ragged nerves. “Thank you. What about you? I’m not the only one taking over a shitshow of a kingdom.”

Luca’s grin held satisfaction. “The nobles are getting a workout. Some seem to think that nobles have always been noble and shouldn’t have to do anything to earn that position. Not anymore. It means they have more responsibility to care for those in need, not less.”

She beamed at him. “I am so proud of you.”

He pulled her into his lap. “Thank you, by the way.”

Her brow furrowed. “For what?”

Luca kissed her forehead. “For everything. For not even knowing how much of a difference you’ve made and going back out to make more every day. Basically, for being you.”

Ash’s smile faded. “I’ve been in Maksim’s head. He’s a zealot who isn’t willing to even consider a world where the shit Nadya fed him isn’t true. He believes she came here to extend an olive branch, and I murdered her in cold blood. The only things he cares about are preserving Nadya’s legacy and killing me, not necessarily in that order, either.

“Also, Jules has a real hard-on for you, so this isn’t going to be an easy fight. They’ve had time to dig in. Do you think this will undo our work with the UN and SPARK?”

Luca shrugged. “No. Well, I hope not. They know that factions within our species are working against us and trying to sabotage our efforts to establish peace. Every government in the world has had to deal with this since terrorists exist in every nation.”

Viktorija returned with the inner circle, and Ash turned to Maerlin and Eiko. “Can either of you help me scry or whatever it’s called to see what they’re doing in Alaska? Luca says it’s a trap, and he’s probably right, but we still have to go. It would be nice to know what we’re walking into.”

Maerlin nodded. “I can teach you to do it when we have more time. Give me a moment.” She retreated to the other end of the table and closed her eyes.

Ash suggested, “The first thing we need to do is contact SPARK and the FBI. The agreements aren’t finalized yet and we need approval from the United States to take any action. I don’t expect problems. The whole reason we created the task force was to deal with FUBAR situations like this. They can’t fight Maksim.”