Page 52 of The Vampire Queen

Maksim was a tool in every sense of the word. “I’ll hold you to that, my love.”

Later that night, Nadya learned that the attack had been orchestrated by one of the visiting Therian delegations, not Luca. However, she told Maksim she thought they were a scouting party exploring the area for the Therian army.

“They hunt me everywhere I go.” She sounded scared and exhausted. “I don’t remember the last time I felt safe and cared for. It’s always fighting. Always blood and death.”

He had agreed to become a vampire the night they met, but he still hesitated whenever she brought up the conversion. It was time. While her other minions cleaned up from the battle, Nadya led Maksim to her bedroom and stepped out of her clothes.

She put smoldering passion in her eyes. “Are you ready to fully join me, Maksim? I need you by my side as a vampire. As my one true love.”

He was distracted by her naked body but managed to nod. “Y-yes.”

Their lovemaking was frenzied and full of passion on Maksim’s side. Nadya was bored but played her role well. She bit Maksim’s neck as he climaxed, but he didn’t seem to notice. He struggled as she drained him and learned too late that Nadya was far stronger than she appeared to be.

When he was a husk, Nadya bit her wrist and dribbled her blood into his mouth. After a few seconds, his lips clamped onto the gash in her wrist, and he sucked to draw her blood into his body. Her scientists would augment him with serums they had developed with Ivanna’s unwilling assistance.

The change would take several days if their calculations were right—and they’d better be.

Maksim was her secret weapon. She didn’t know how he would help her win the war, but Nadya having a vampiric dragon, working to attain her goals, was the last thing Luca and the other Therians would expect. Psychological warfare combined with the phenomenal fighting power of a dragon would give her side the advantage.

She just had to wait.


New Therian Palace, Sunday, January 6, 2013

Ivanna and Niletean met in the courtyard and waited for the volunteers from the visiting delegations. The courtyard had been designated as a safe place for Therians to change form to fly down the mountain. The road that descended the steep incline was long and cumbersome, designed to be frustrating and difficult to navigate.

Flying was much more efficient, and Ivanna and Niletean agreed to carry their flightless brethren to the base of the mountain. Niletean had a fully stocked garage with vehicles that would hold their party and navigate the slick winter roads. They planned to use an SUV to scout the village.

“Three hundred miles is a long drive,” Ivanna said. “What if we miss Jules because we didn’t fly?”

He shook his head. “There are humans between here and there. We can’t expose ourselves like that.”

She sighed. She still needed a lot of training in military strategy. It took more than a desire to help and the ability to heal faster than normal to become an effective general. Perhaps she’d better learn to be a good soldier first and practice taking orders.

Ivanna was pulled from her thoughts when the four volunteers approached, both wary and eager. All had put themselves forward when help was requested and seemed eager to prove themselves and their loyalty to Luca.

Dakota Cummings, the unruly American bear from the German barfight video, had been the first to volunteer. Hans had apparently set his son-in-law on the right path because the Therian was focused and determined to be of use.

Valter Karlsson had joined after King Rikkard had told his entourage about the impending mission against Jules. The moose was quiet and reserved, sharing very little about himself and speaking only when necessary.

One of Savas’ men had also volunteered for the mission. Deniz Polat was wealthy, and he’d greatly benefited by serving a greedy king. Deniz said he’d joined the task force for the sport and the spoils of war. He’d grown tired of diplomacy and craved action. Ivanna kept a wary eye on him as a wild card.

Indian tiger Krish Batra rounded out their motley crew. The outspoken and friendly man told endless jokes and kept the team laughing as they prepared for the journey.

“I am excited to experience dragon flight,” Krish admitted. “Tigers do not spend much time among the clouds.”

Some dragons considered it demeaning to carry other creatures, but neither Niletean nor Ivanna had a problem with it. That was the swiftest way to embark on their mission. Both dragons stripped and passed the folded clothing to one of their passengers for safekeeping. After spreading out to give themselves plenty of space, Ivanna let the magic work through her body, and the slim woman became a lithe and deadly dragon. She bent her head so Dakota and Deniz could climb onto her back.

Hold on, boys, she sent and leaped. She soared into the sky, and Niletean did the same. Neither heard the scream that would indicate they’d lost someone.

“Holy shiiiiiiiit!” Dakota whooped as the wind roared past his ears. He struggled to maintain his hold.

By road, it would have taken hours to reach the bottom. The dragons arrived in minutes. After their passengers climbed down, looking windblown, the dragons changed back to human form and dressed.

“That was incredible!” Krish exclaimed.

“Yes,” Dakota wore a delighted grin. “Thank you for that experience. I’ve been skydiving, but that? Nothing compares to that.”